Check out Lords Forsaken - free to play - test play right now earn a promotional nft plus potentially other cards

in #lynex7 months ago

Just opened 5 new lfs packs out of 20 that i got. I got one key epic and a bunch of good summoners and other cards and since i need all cards evey one was a good drop. The epic especially since they are some of the most powerful cards except for the legendries but they can do some serious damage.

I got the Froast Giant a beastly card when paired with the summoner that raises your melee attack by one for all units it becomes a beast with a 4 attack that can easily wipe out many cards in one hit. I have 15 more packs to go with my allocated cards and lets see what i get in the next few posts. You can also become part of the test play right now as test play competition 3 is going on and you just need a 1200 rating to mint your nft this play test and if you are at 1200 which is harder to get now you will likely get the legendary card as a bonus as well. Having the promo which will be very rare at max as well as a gold version of the cards which are given out to the top spots 1-3 will also be very rare as the packs are scarce as only 100k packs are ever going to be minted for the alpha set. Meaning the alpha cards and packs will be really rare to have and will also improve your earnings in the beg if you start off with some cards from the test play so you can actually earn enough from playing and the lps to expand you deck. It is possible to play the game for no to low cost depending on how much you will want to earn per match if you want to grind a lot more for very little you dont need to start with much but if you want a lot more rewards you will need to invest in some packs and you likely wont need crazy amounts right away and you can use the ones you do buy to improve your deck by trading extras for ones you don't have with others on the market place once the game launches. Get in on the action here:
