Trump was right again. The News Media are Lying..

in #lying-newz8 years ago

About Charlottesville


the Great Charlottesville Whitewash

  • In other words, Trump was not only right after-the-fact about Charlottesville, but the violence from both sides was predicted, and city and state officials were warned about it. It has been over a week since the news about this DHS warning broke, but The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, and the major networks and liberal news media have ignored it.

The news media are anti american....Hell ...sometimes I think that they are anti human. They have an agenda...they have a narrative. Anything that does NOT fit the narrative they lie about.

Hurricane Irma is a prime example. The News Media can not even be trusted to accurately report the WEATHER.
So's pitiful and pathetic.


I live in the UK and its the same here, with you on that one bro, keep trucking.

First of all, I am sorry for what bad events took place either by nature or by human force. And I have to say I am not American.

But for me (even if both sides were violent) there has to be drawn a clear line that the president does not side with the right wing. If the leaders of the rights celebrate the reaction of the president then I am most certain that this is not the right way.

About the weather forecast - no one can predict the future.

and you said.
About the weather forecast - no one can predict the future.
I agree...Global Warming is a fraud.

Right wing/left wing. Same bird. Exactly!!!
We have a ex MP in the UK who refers to the two main UK political parties (Labour & Conservative) as, "Two cheeks of the same arse".
As for global warming, a fraud I agree but it goes deeper in my opinion.
I know you don't buy into the idea of weather control/manipulation but I think that most of the weather we see now has to be engineered because the natural systems have broken down.
I found the interview at the top of the page linked below fascinating. It isn't conspiracy theory rubbish in my opinion but appears to provide evidence & breaks things down in a simple way.
What he suggests is happening blew my mind a bit if I'm honest & I can't believe I hadn't considered it and had instead been focused on HAARP & Chemtrails. The levels of disinformation out there are ridiculous but I am also aware that the stuff I link could be so too although it's hard to argue with satellite imagery alongside some of the overlays of power plants & nexrad doppler radar.

Good news Mr @everittdmickey, thank for sharing