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RE: Lust..must be controlled!!

in #lust7 years ago

Lust does not need to be controlled. Coitus is a natural human function, fundamental physiological need and is associated with the basic instinct of all life on Earth - the instinct of reproduction. If you confront your natural need, you will be ill. If you feel that your sexual activity is excessive and prevents you from living, you can change the effect of sex hormones on certain physical exercises (exercise) and nutrition (do not eat meat). And of course .... masturbation about which you wrote in the previous article. Read scientific articles on how to achieve a healthy balance of hormones in your body and be healthy. I am a biologist with a scientific degree and know a little about how a person works - we are ordinary animals and breeding for us is the main goal of existence. However, we are very many and we are destroying the planet, so we must deceive nature - we must mate, but be protected from reproduction!


Sir I Am Totally Agree With Your Words.
But I think there are more Big issues there than these Points Like As You know the Amount of Rape cases are increasing rapidly this is all because of lust in us.
I know lust is important aspect for human nature but the thing is it should be in limited amount otherwise it can bring a huge Distruction.
As we see in newses that a little child got raped By an old man.
These are the negative things which held in our society which is not a good thing.
Hope You Are agree with My words.@creadordelfuturo

Thank You @pradeepkr34

Oh yeah! I certainly agree! The author of the article is from India and I know that a huge number of acts of sexual violence are registered in India. But I believe that this is primarily due to the fact that society calls you to restrain from your needs. You abstain for a long time and at some point your hormones just drive you crazy and then you will not be able to control yourself anymore.

i think now you are satisfied with my words.
thanks for being apart of this discussion.@creadorelfuturo

Hello sir for giving ur point of view on this article as well as u talk about last article too..
Well sir I'm agr too with ur statement but as Pradeep who also commented..said that it should be controlled.
Sir both the things right as we r human and should not push our feelings but to some extent.
Should not hurt the people around u.. specially women..who had to suffer because of it.
And wv child girl has to face problem bcoz of lusty people.
Well.. don't take me wrong what u r saying is this also true. I agreed.
But should think about other coin part.