(Blood Moon Picture Credit: Nabarun/Wikimedia Commons)
On 27th July 2018, the Longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century is set to coincide with bright Mars at its closest to Earth in 15 years. The 27th July Blood Moon and total lunar eclipse will outshine every other eclipse to take place between the years 2001 and 2100. The eclipse will last one hour and 43 minutes – nearly 40 minutes longer than the January 31 Super Blue Blood Moon combo. [Link]
This 27th July Blood Moon is a very important End Times sign given by God. When speaks on the Blood Moon's heavenly sign, we will often relate it to these 3 significant scriptures mentioned below.
Acts 2:20 -"The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord."
Joel 2:31 -"The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD."
Revelation 6:12 -"I watched as the Lamb broke the sixth seal, and there was a great earthquake. The sun became as dark as black cloth, and the moon became as red as blood."
On 24th June 2018, The Imperial Regent of the Lord, Angelus Domini has revealed this information below in advance in the Ecumenical Order of Christ Congregation in VK. [Link]
Then on 20th July 2018, a very incredible and unprecedented event took place. The Imperial Regent of the Lord, Angelus Domini once again reported this news in the Ecumenical Order of Christ Congregation in VK. [Link]
The Sun blanked out in Arctic Siberia. There was a remote community in Siberia plunged into darkness even though they should have 24 hour light at this time of year. Quote from the source: "The sun went out around 11am, and didn’t come back until about 2pm." [Source]
This Sun blanked out event on 20th July 2018 is very significant because it literally just happened right before the 27th July Blood Moon. Therefore, it might very well be fulfilling the Acts 2:20 prophecy whereby The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord.
All the signs is certainly pointing very strongly towards the 27th July Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse as the Blood Moon that the Acts 2:20 prophecy is referring to.
On top of that, for those who is not aware, we are already in the Jewish Year 5778 / 2018. It is the Messiah's Jubilee Year. The year suitable for the Messiah's enthronement, the beginning of his reign on earth and the establishment of the Messiah's new kingdom.
YES! The Messiah is here NOW! The time to prepare is RIGHT NOW. Learn the truth and come to the Messiah as the remaining time is super extremely short now!
**Special credit goes to the Imperial Regent Angelus Domini and the professional Torah Code Researcher, Prime Cleric Richard Ruff for discovering all the amazing Torah Codes to reveal the truth.

Already so many events taking place.. I cannot imagine what we are in for next
Thank for sharing this, brother. Very important information!
The clock is ticking!

Time to repent before times up!
Next comes war and devestation to the unrepentant and glory and everlasting life to those who do good.