So, you made it to our home grounds. I wish you had not had such a cruddy go of things. Under the circumstances, the Boise Bitcoin Meetup is tomorrow night at 7 if you can stand it. I can give you directions. Going to help upvote and resteem etc. If you are near exit 57, we would gladly buy you a big hearty meal or send you continuing with snacks and gu shots and new socks. If we had known I'm sure it would have been okay to set up camp here and save $. But for today, saying prayers, hoping you rest and keep on steeming!!! You can do it and if home needs you, you can get a Steem team to bike with you and continue after!!!
Dang it, I wish I looked at this sooner! That's what I get for not being around Wifi 24/7. Yeah, It didn't start well, but overall the day ended quite nice! I got some great rest, and made it to Mountain Home today, in a nice hotel!!! :)