Scorpio Horoscope For July 2017 OCT 23 - NOV 21

in #lpproject8 years ago (edited)

Scorpio Horoscope

You have so many good things going in July that I hardly know where to start. I will begin at the beginning, but keep reading all the way through, dear Scorpio, for I feel the most exciting part of the month will come near the end.

As the month opens, Mars, one of your prime rulers, will be lighting your ninth house of foreign people and places, indicating prime time to travel. This is a trend that started at the end of June, so if you couldn't take time off late last month, do so in early July. Last month, on June 4, Mars first entered this part of your chart, so you may have already taken an exciting trip.

Also, last month, the peach of a new moon of June 23 fell in the same part of the chart, at 1 degree Cancer, another indication you may have gone to a beautiful town, city, or resort that you've never seen and that required your passport to enter. Going to a new environment is refreshing for your spirit, so if you didn't get away last month, then plan to go in early July while all these aspects are still glowing. Planets in Cancer suggest that you'd especially enjoy being at a seaside setting, or a vacation spot near a lake or other body of fresh water. With two eclipses coming in August, both of them vital to your future, you'll be busy, so you likely won't be able to take a vacation in August - go now if you can. Keep in mind that you will have a great deal of energy circulating in your ninth house, and that will ALSO give you opportunity in all matters involving international trade and relationships with executives abroad.

Until Mars leaves Cancer on July 20, you will have additional areas of opportunity, including moving ahead on legal matters and progressing in academic matters in the role of student or professor. If you are starting a new semester in graduate school or as an undergraduate, start looking at the school's brochure now to decide which classes you would like to sign up for early on. If you are planning to defend your thesis, if you can do so in July (or already did in June) you had or will have on-target timing. You will also have luck regarding the media, in terms of getting a zinger of a great assignment in publishing, broadcasting, or Internet. Send your query letters now.

You seem to be negotiating an important contract at the full moon July 8 in Capricorn 17 degrees, plus or minus four days. You will need to be strong, and things will likely go in your favor. Try not to intimidate the other side, for this full moon will come aligned with powerhouse Pluto. You can sign if your lawyer gives you the nod, but expect to have a touchy negotiation on some points, as Mars will oppose Pluto in the first part of July. Look over all the small print carefully.

If you don't plan to sign any papers, then it is very likely you will travel a short distance within four days of this date. You will be in the mood to be near tall, beautiful mountains, lush foliage, and a setting where there are big boulders, along with other rocks. This type of setting is pure Capricorn. In addition, Capricorn rules historic sites too, so you might want to do sightseeing near this full moon, to an old UNESCO historical site or structure with an interesting backstory.

On another note, you may also see your sister or brother over this weekend of July 8-9, as any full moon in the third house also highlights your relationship with your sibling. You may be planning a visit to see your brother, or your sister may be coming to stay with you. Or, you may be planning an event together for the future and be on the phone together more than usual.

If your birthday falls on November 9, plus or minus four days, you will benefit the most on this full moon of July 8. The same is true if you have Scorpio rising 17 degrees, or the natal moon in Scorpio of that degree, or a natal planet in Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer, Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn at 17 degrees, and in all cases listed here, allow a plus or minus five degrees. It is worth knowing your chart! You will see opportunities you didn't assume you had coming.

Mercury will be retrograde August 12 to September 5, so you can make important decisions now with the confidence of knowing that you have a positive time to do so. If you need to buy a computer or other electronic item, buy it in July - you must never run up too close to the days Mercury goes retrograde. Buy those items in July. You will be distracted next month with other matters anyway, so July is your month to make progress on so many levels.

The big excitement for this month will start once Mars, your ruler, enters Leo on July 20 to stay until September 5, your most vital time in 2017 to make big professional progress. Mars will fill the very top sector of your chart, lighting the tenth house ruling prestigious honors, awards, and achievement, and that house is run by the sign of Leo along with the Sun.

The important new moon, July 23, will occur in your prestigious tenth house too, and it will fall in Leo, at 1 degree. That new moon (opportunity) will have her entourage with her - the Sun (authority), Mercury (news), and Mars (action). That is a lot of planetary power! This is the first time in two years that you will have high-octane Mars in your career reward house, and you won't have Mars there again until May-June 2019. This is your golden moment to capitalize on all the victories you've scored lately, and to make a name for yourself in your company, industry, or the world at large.

If you don't want to change jobs, you don't have to - you may be getting a promotion or new assignment that will certainly showcase your talents and you'll prove your worth. Watch carefully the offers that come in now, and the assignments you are doing - they will give you clues to the future. The interesting part of all this is that wherever anyone has Leo in their chart, an enormous amount of energy is heading there. For you, it is this house, the house of prestigious career success. This would be an ideal time to hire a publicist, if you are self-employed, to shout from the rooftops all your recent successes. It would also be the right time to do an advertising campaign.

As you get closer to July 23, you may get a hint that something big is brewing in your career. On July 14, Mercury will be contacted by good fortune Jupiter, so you may get an important phone call or email, or your boss may choose you for a high-profile assignment. This will be your very first clue that something is up!

Shortly thereafter, on July 18, Venus will align with Jupiter, and a VIP may discuss money with you. The meeting is likely to end with more money in your pocket. This is a fine day to ask a venture capitalist for money or to work with your banker on a line of credit or loan. Or, you might want to discuss company benefits on July 18, for you are likely to get the answer that pleases you. If you have an agent, that person will be worth his or her weight in gold on July 18.

The most important news, however, will occur, as mentioned earlier, after Mars enters Leo on July 20 in your house of fame and the new moon of July 23 appears. July 14 and July 18 are simply a prelude of more to come. A fine new moon can affect you for weeks and months, or for an entire year, so take it seriously.

Here is why I feel this area - your career - will be moving at the speed of light in a matter of weeks. Not only do you have the new moon of July 23, but you will also have a SECOND new moon in the same sign, Leo (this time 29 degrees) next month on August 21, which also happens to be a total solar eclipse. A solar eclipse has to fall on a new moon, or it is not a solar eclipse.

Eclipses are known to be the most powerful tool the universe uses to create massive, swift, life-altering change. Not only this, but in only two months, Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, will enter Scorpio for a glorious thirteen-month period, remaining in your sign until November 2018, and crowning you the celestial favorite. If you have been trying hard to get ahead but wonder why nothing is happening fast enough, events are waiting for the new moon to arrive.

My mother used to say that you could have a set of outstanding planetary vibrations circulating in your chart at a given time, but without the new moon, you can't access your golden planet's energies. This is why I always mention the new moon. The seeds that you plant after the new moon are potent, and may affect you for six months to a year. You don't have to be awarded the big job yet, but you need to watch what happens in the days that follow July 23 and also what happens at eclipse time. The August 21 eclipse is quite favorable, so do not be concerned - all this is heading in the right direction. Solar eclipses open new doors and offer opportunities, not endings (those are associated with lunar full moon eclipses).

Be careful not to lock horns with a higher-up on July 17, when Mars, your ruler, will be in hard angle to Uranus in your house of work assignments. If you were thinking of taking a long weekend by taking off July 17, forget that idea - you need to be there. This is a touchy day, so be diplomatic and conciliatory.

The month ends on more good news. More earned income money may be coming in to you as you get to Sunday, July 30, thanks to the lovely interplay between Venus (profits) and Uranus (unexpected events). If you don't work on Sunday (most people don't), nor will you be near your mailbox over that weekend of July 29-30 when a check might be waiting for you, then you may hear about your happy financial news on Monday, July 31. On that day, the transiting moon will be in Scorpio and the glow of Venus aligned with Jupiter will still be strong.

In terms of love, your best days will come next month, when Venus goes to Cancer from July 31 to August 26. This will be a lyrical spot for Venus to be, and travel will enlarge the glow of Venus even more.

When it comes to enjoying love this month, July 5, when the Sun and Neptune, now in your fifth house of true love, will bring on an enchanting feeling of romance, double what I just said if you will be traveling together to any destination, near or far. This is a big month, and only a prelude to an even bigger month for you in August!


You are on the cusp of a major change in your career, and the exciting shifts that are coming soon should please you. Things will begin to heat up once your ruler, Mars, enters Leo on July 20, in a once-in-two-year visit to your house of fame and honors. Mars will remain in this house approximately seven weeks, until September 5, so you are gearing up for a very active career time, starting July 20.

Not only will the new moon of July 23 fuel this trend, but next month, the new moon solar eclipse in Leo due August 21 will too. If you have hopes of raising your profile and making your mark in your specialty, this will be your time to strike. Prepare your resume and bio now, and if you work in a creative field, shape your portfolio. With four heavenly bodies crowded into your prestige and fame sector, it would be a shame to not reach for the opportunities that will be soon spouting up.

You may get a clue of what's to come in your career on July 14, a celebratory day, when Mercury and Jupiter should bring you happy professional news. If you need to find accord on a deal or sign papers, this would be the day to do it.

Watch also July 30 when Venus' interplay with Uranus may bring a surprise assignment that could come along with a handsome sum of money for you.

Before your career gets active, you may need to time to travel, either near or far, for business or fun. Mars will be beautifully angled to your Sun and will be touring your ninth house of distant, possibly foreign travel. Mars will be in friendly angle to your Sun and practically ensures a lyrical time away for you. If you do go far, you are more likely to go for business reasons and to a picturesque city on the water.

If you would rather take a close-by holiday, go to a beautiful, verdant, mountainous area, suitable for hiking or camping - go early in the month and plan to return within four days of the full moon, Saturday, July 8. In this unusual month, you will have the aspects to go both near and/or far.

One day NOT to travel will be July 17, when Mars, your ruler, and planet of force, will be at sharp odds with Uranus, planet of all things unexpected. This same day, July 17, might bring a tense situation at work, where you disagree with a decision a higher-up might make - be diplomatic because getting upset will only backfire.

Confidential talks about money will go smoothly on July 18, thanks to the conversation between Venus and good fortune Jupiter. Venus' perch in your eighth house will help you make a gratifying negotiation ruling company benefits, commissions, royalties, licensing fees, scholarships and financial aid, inheritance, and court and arbitrated financial settlements. If you need money for a startup, this is the day to meet with a venture capitalist or banker.

This month is mainly about career and travel, but you will have time for romance in the first week of July, too, when the mighty Sun, giver of life and strength, and Neptune, planet of unconditional love, will be in perfect sync over July 4 and 5. You have been hosting Neptune in your area of true love since 2011 (Neptune will remain in your romantic house until 2026), plenty of time to find, and completely enjoy, the one true love that seems destined to find you. Next month will be a big month for career, residence, property, and love, so hold on to your hat, as lots of news is coming.



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