in #loyalty9 months ago

Over the past few days I've been in deep thoughts, reminiscing over an event that transpired. an occurrence which piqued the very debris of my thoughts, trying to figure out the why and how it happened and if i was to blame.


it opened my mind to thoughts left unspoken, words heard but ignored and actions seen but gas lighted . An experience which propelled me to think of the possible term behind it. A single phrase only came to mind " the abuse of loyalty" .

But then, I've to go through the details of my experience so you can see from my perspective, the context of the phrase. The event transpired between me and my boss. I left my hometown for school after the short holiday's. before then, I've done a work for him which he has not paid completely. He paid half a week after completion of the work and said to pay the others later. The balance of the sum which he even reduced on his whims. I got to school after a week, still didn't see an alert so had to text him and the reply I got left me in deep thoughts and I quote "MARVELLOUS YOU ARE NOT LOYAL AGAIN" .

This led me to wonder , what then is loyalty? how do people see, define and acknowledge loyalty? ..am I not really being loyal or is my loyalty just being abused ?.

I do know that so many people out there must have had one or two similar experiences, something they can relate to and you must equally questioned yourself . the position of having to be under someone, behaving humble and being obedient just to achieve a goal either as an employee, apprentice or whichever state seems to be deliberately being used as yardstick for abuse while underlying it as loyalty.

This has tend to be paramount among leaders both in churches, organizations, associations, schools and other work places where the effort of members are over demanded even at their own expense . their rights bent and thrown off for their convenience.


speaking out boldly, becomes arrogance. pointing out faults, becomes disrespect. sticking to your task , becomes laziness even regarded as nonchalance in most cases . keeping clear working boundaries, becomes disloyalty.

A world where effort is regarded through emotions. works are acknowledged through being overly present. Unnecessary task indulged as a show of regard .

what truly is loyalty? when did we get here? how can we make change? ..

Thanks for being here with me, drop your opinions below let's discuss .