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RE: A day in the life of a Crohn's Chick part 3: A little jab here and a little jab there...

in #loveyourguts6 years ago

I understand you @crohnschick, me too have suffered from chronic headaches for a long time. Then a whole series of muscular pains were added, I couldn't even comb my hair! I seemed to go crazy. There was nothing in all the exams and the doctors told me I was depressed !! I wasn't, but I became one. Then my partner and I decided to leave everything and go around the world and now I'm better! Not healed but better, even if I always ride with half a backpack full of medicines! Good luck


Im glad to hear that even with the limitations if your health your still relishing life and seeing the world! Thats wonderful :) and i have a live chat every sunday at 8pm south australia time on my youtube channel if you ever feel like popping in to say hi I'll give you a shout out :) take care!

Posted using Partiko Android

ok thanks the invitation!