Ripple stealing the show...

Hey guys, happy Monday! It is a new week meaning we are another week closer to mainstream adoption and an increase in volume!

There was an article posted on CryptoDaily from April 11th titled ‘Ripple’s interledger protocol is stealing the 2019 show’ – a statement we of course agree with. They are proving that they are the chosen standard that many banks and institutions are adopting.

During the recent interledger summit it was announced that Stronghold Inc. would be implementing the first interledger protocol. The integration of XRP by the financial services platform that powers cross-border payments and foreign exchange networks is very bullish news for cryptocurrency and Ripple. When you consider what was demonstrated at the summit it is no surprise that Ripple and ILP are beginning to steal the show and gain some traction.

The internet of value will do for money and other forms of value what the internet did for information - no doubt about it. Although there is such progress being made with Ripple and interledger, there is still so much negativity towards it in the community.

A lot of this is due to the media being so deceptive with the information they share, so we all need to do our part in order to guide the community in the direction of what is really happening. A quick search of ‘interledger’ on Google will return numerous bullish updates and articles about the project – this is where you can keep up to date with what is going on.

Interledger was designed to solve a pressing issue in the blockchain space – the ability of decentralised apps to purchase resources without being restricted to a particular blockchain network. The interledger protocol aims to create a universal network for sending value and it will be independent of any company or currency. This is about so much more than just XRP, XRP is just the standard that will be used because it is the fastest and cheapest.
If you haven’t got any XRP, go and get some today.

Diversify if you feel the need to but make sure you are investing in blockchain because it is most definitely the future. Have a lovely week guys and we’ll be back with another post soon!

Written by Dominic Zohreh

Twitter – domz_invests

Instagram – domz_invests