Adli And Adila Household..

in #love7 years ago (edited)

My dear adila, I want our relationship more seriously, you want to be my wife "said mas adli with hope," I am also dear to you mas, I want to be your wife "I replied with emotion and happiness. I was so happy, and distrustful, I was just dating 6 months with mas adli, and now he proposes me. Mas adli once said that he emang not want a long time dating for fear of slander and adultery, yes thank goodness I am also looking for a man who wants to be serious with me, not just to play to be invited dating.

My name is adila, a cake shop entrepreneur, and my boyfriend is mas adli he is also a businessman, his business is in the field of event organizer. Yes after marriage we have a plan to combine our business, because the wedding will need a cake for the celebration. And for my marriage later we can easily arrange our own wedding plans.

Ddrr .... Ddrr ... Ddrr ... "I asked the person who called me," I rita dil, your friend sd, yesterday we chat chatan on facebook I keep asking for your number "replied rita explains," Oh rita what's the rit, there is something important yes? "I asked rita," You say your boyfriend has an event organizer, now my boyfriend is now ngajak marriage nih, I need event organizer, but it can be discounted right? I'm your friend hehe "replied rita at length," Oh so, may deh, you when the wedding ceremony? "," Hmm plan next month sih nis show "replied rita," Loh same dong I also next month to get married loh, how if we double date aja tomorrow, to talk about the wedding plan, we bring each partner, you will ask aja question my boyfriend who better understand "I explained," May be meeting at kemang ya at 7 dinnyusss restaurant how? "suggestion rita, "Okay, ok till see you tomorrow" I replied, "Ok deh bye adila" said rita ended the conversation on the phone, "Bye also rita" I said and immediately turned off the phone.

"Okay at 7 pm where do you want to meet him, he who tells me his place is late" omelku, "Patience dila darling may be a while longer, try to call already up to where?" Said mas adli advise, "Ok deh I call" new I want to push the phone, "Eh tuh rita already come" I cried, "Oh that rita, tuh he came you are not impatient anyway" replied mas adli.

Hi dil, udah long wait ya sorry ya doddy dandannya long rich girl hehe "said rita give excuses," Oh papa kok rit, not long kok nunggunya "I replied with a smile even in the heart a bit bete," Kenalin dil, this doddy my boyfriend , doddy kenalin ini adila my friend and his girlfriend who have event organizer "rita introduce her boyfriend," Oh yes kenalin also this my boyfriend his name adli "I say mas adli on rita," yeah you fit ya name adila and adli means the same fair person hehe "Said Rita with a smile," This is adila salsadila alumni smp 35 kan, still remember me, I doddy nugraha your smp friend who likes your jahilin, your face still not change ya still pretty rich first "said doddy girlfriend rita," Oh this doddy nugraha smpku friend that was yes, why now different, first urakan long hair is now cool style already want to marry again hehe "my answer is that his girlfriend rita is doddy my smp friend. "Oh it turns out adila and doddy know each other well, good deh" said rita.

After that mas adli explain about the event organizer, and rita and doddy also choose to choose what concept will be chosen for her marriage. As long as we chat doddy not focus him staring at me continue it makes me uncomfortable. Finally at 9 we decided to go home.

In the car on the face of mas adli a bit bete, he said doddy rich there is a sense of me, I immediately doddy that I and doddy only friends smp not more and moreover doddy already have rita and they will soon get married, I try to think positive, though actually in the rich heart there are ganjel.

"Hi dila already sleep what nih" sms from someone I do not know, "Who ya?" I replied, "I doddy rit, I saw clay hp rita to find your number, btw tomorrow there is no event? I want to invite you to watch, but keep silent aja ya do not get caught rita or adli, how? "Reply doddy, I feel risi with the contents of smsnya but I remain calm and reply smsnya," Dod, what are you doing, have a spouse each, if our partner know bagamana, we're already the same want to marry "reply," Yes I want to marry but with you, sorry ya dit from us smp I tuh already like you, only I do not dare ungkapin ya his name also the boy smp yet dare to declare love, now we are brought together maybe this is a sign of our dating, I will do rita for you, you also do adli for me "reply doddy at length, I was surprised it was alleged mas adli really doddy likes me, my mind is messed up and sms from doddy not reply.

Drr ... Drr ... Dr sound hp wake me I saw 6 o'clock, there is a call from rita, what is wrong morning rita rita call me, "hello rit, why ya? In the morning you call me "I asked Rita on the phone," Hips ... Hiks ... Mas doddy hiks hiks he mutusin me, he said he batalin wedding plans when we talk about the concept of marriage, but now, now he's me said there is another woman that he loves hiks ... Hiks, I do not understand why he is so bad as me "rita story long with full of sadness, my heart tekel felt to be dislodged, it turns out that doddy dome say, he will do rita rita it is true he do it, and as soon as he did it overnight, "You ... you are patient rit yes, maybe he is not your soul mate, later I will say mas adli that your marriage canceled, sorry yes rit I can not do anything", I say to rita, "Dil you are a friend smp him try you mengaseinya who knows he want to hear what you say" replied rita, "Emmm I can not rit, I also not close kok just smp just ordinary friends, never also never ngobr ol "elakku, whereas the first time smp I was close friends with doddy.

I was having dinner with mas adli suddenly drr ... Drr ... Drr no sms come in, "Dila dear how? You've broken up with adli yet? I've done a rita loh, now it's your turn adli "sms from doddy, I've not strong with all this, I finally love my phone to mas adli, I told him to read sms doddy, mas adli not surprised because the feeling he already know if doddy emang likes me, but this doddy crazy as soon as that he mutusin rita, and he told me to decide mas adli, mas adli have an idea to speed up our wedding day, 3 days we will get married and all wedding preparations made as short as. And I agree.

Before my wedding day doddy just kept contacting me but I never did.

My wedding day arrived, me and adli adli very happy and hope doddy will stop chasing me.

2 days after I got married, bobby contacted me and attacked me, he was angry because I was married to mas adli, I also asked for protection with mas adli, and mas adli asked me to be patient. And mas adli is planning that tomorrow me and adli will stay out of town, and I also block the doddy number so he can not reach me again.

My marriage has been running for a year, I will live happily outside the city without the doddy who attacked me.

I was having dinner at the restaurant with mas adli, suddenly I asked permission to the toilet, suddenly when I passed the men's roomroom as soon as I saw doddy, doddy looked at me, he looked at me with a look of anger, he pulled my hand then he cursed me why I married adli not with him, he brought a knife he threatened me then I elbowed his stomach then I ran away, when i want to go to adli mas table, doddy chase and get me and I was taken hostage, he threatened to kill me in front of mas adli and crowds, I was brought to doddy car, mas adli followed me from behind.

Doddy was so fast bringing his car until mas adli lost the trail, I searched for search mas adli but he was not there, I was taken to a place by doddy I threatened by him, until I did not move and the contemptible it happened, doddy memper osa ku, aku can not fight, after that he went and I was crying unruly, my honor was snatched by a person who is not my husband, I was crying so what happens if my husband knows what if I get pregnant doddy child, my mind was messed up.

Not too long mas adli call me, he asked me where, I said I do not know while crying unbelievably, mas adli try to calm me and he asked if I was with doddy, I said no crying, mas adli asked what happened I can not answer what besides tears that became more so, adli adli ask me where, I just say in an empty house, mas adli told me to go out and look around the house to find the address around, and after I get the address and I send the address via sms , half an hour later mas adli came he found me still in tears he hugged me, and took me home.

The morning after I began to calm down, mas adli asked me again what happened to me, with tears I told him that I was doddy, mas adli was calm me and did not scold me, he just felt guilty for not being able to chase me with doddy last night, he felt can not keep me well, mas adli also report to the police, and the police who will seek and catch doddy.

A month later
I was eating breakfast with mas adli my mouth suddenly nauseated and suddenly I fell unconscious.

"Mas adli" I call mas adli who is beside me, "Yes dear" replied mas adli, "I'm sick what mas kok can be in the hospital" I asked, "You are not papa kok, you just pregnant, finally we will have a child dear "Replied mas adli excitedly," I ... I do not want to get pregnant now mas, if it turns out the child I have doddy kid how mas, I fallen this boy ajah mas I can not "I say sadly," You do not love babe babies sin, and if that's my child how, later we will regret "adli replied firmly," I just do not want anyway I have to fallen this boy I do not want a lifetime haunted rape "I replied with panic tears.

I also tried to abort my abortion with the drug pregnant womb, by drinking herbal medicine, even I fell to the stairs for my efforts succeed, but my efforts are futile my fetus is so strong, I even scolded out with mas adli for my actions, even adli finally make an appointment and tell me to keep the fetus in my baby, after birth the baby will be tested if the baby is a doddy, the baby will be entrusted in the orphanage so I will not stress, and if the baby is adli child of course we will take care of it with affection .

I was given birth time, and after the baby was born in test dna, while waiting for the results I will return from the hospital and my baby. I will not give asi to my son until dna out, mas doddy also told the neighbors to be mother for my baby.

The hospital also informed the test results and dna was out, the result was very suitable baby dnanya with adli mas, me and adli mas was happy, and I want to rush back home to hold and breastfeed my baby.