Humans often spend 20% of their time thinking and worrying about petty issues, or doing something that is meaningless. Say if you could live until 70 years old, you would basically wasted 122640 hours of your life doing things that are not bringing any benefits to you or the world that you are living in right now.
Start finding your purpose, care less and feel more content!
Try to ask yourself if the things that you are doing right now is changing you as a person, in a good way. Try not to involve in too much politics or dramas in the office; gossiping with your colleagues; thinking all the what IFS, instead of taking actions.
Remember that life is too short to dwell over spill milk and you only have such a short amount of time in this amazing world. Live to the fullest, and live like no regrets. Be it sipping a cup of coffee while watching the sunrise, or chilling by the beach with your loved one. Fill your mind with all the positivities and trust me, you will be happier and feel more content.