in #love7 years ago

They say all relationships go through hell. Real relationships get through it.

Man is a social being, which means he likes to be surrounded by friends, relatives, and loved ones. We are, however, living in an era where time is the most critical constraint. This time factor is the one that has the most bearing on our relationships as well.

Relationships Turning Sour – Is Time Alone to Blame?

If there’s a single most significant thing you can give your near and dear ones, it is time. Are you there for them when they need you the most?

Time alone, however, is not the culprit. The solution lies within. We need to manage our time well and most importantly, figure out our priorities. Professional and personal lives go hand in hand; we need to maintain a healthy balance between them both. The middle path is always difficult to walk on and isn’t a bed of roses. It’s a great test of true grit and determination. Nurturing your relationships while also performing well in your career is a test only the most strong-willed will be able to endure. The others will either see their relationships crumble away or their professional careers slip out of their hands.

Love is Unconditional

Remember, love is unconditional. There are no terms and conditions attached. Accept people around you with their own share of flaws and merits. No one is perfect, including you. Love them, no matter what.

We need to introspect and see what it is that is affecting our relationships and find a way to sail through, together. In the words of Winston Churchill, if you are going through hell, keep going.

And if I might add a word, together.

For complete article here is the link: https://www.indiamouth.com/relationships-turning-sour/
