Do you accept yourself? Here are some ways to get it done

in #love7 years ago


A study of scientists from the University of Hertfordshire, covering over 5,000 people, has found that there is a strong link between self-acceptance and happiness despite the fact that this type of behavior is rarely practiced.

For research purposes, scientists have identified 10 habits that make people happier and have an interest in how often they practice them.

  1. Giving: doing things for others

  2. Connect: connect with people

  3. Exercises: Take care of your body

  4. Assessment: to see the world around you

  5. Trying to keep learning new things

  6. Direction: to have goals to strive for

  7. Endurance: Find ways to recover from blows.

  8. Emotion: to have a positive attitude.

  9. Sense: Be part of something bigger.

  10. Reception: feel comfortable with what you are.

The latter is the habit that people practice at least.

The authors of the study offer three ways that they think we can learn to accept ourselves.

1.Be as good to yourself as you are to others. Watch your mistakes as learning opportunities. Pay attention to the things you do well, even the smallest ones.

2.Ask a trusted friend or colleague to tell you what your strengths are or what they value in you.

3.Spend some quiet time with yourself. Feel how you feel from within and try to be at peace with yourself.


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Great advice, thanks for sharing this

I think this is really important, and it's something that I've been trying to come to terms with recently. For a very long time, I've been really critical of myself and it's made me miserable.

I have been trying to be mindful, and using meditation to just be with myself and accept me for who I am. Of course, there are things that I want to work on, but there's no need to constantly put myself down.