Dating and Relationships - Are you too boring?

in #love8 years ago

A connection between two people is best kept simple, in my opinion.

Some men fear that they will be too BORING.

But my girlfriend and I have a wonderfully boring and simple little life and that's what we like!

Today we went GROCERY SHOPPING. And we had ourselves a great little time, because we enjoy being TOGETHER.


Then we came home, and we had ourselves a fuckin’ pizza.


Then I turned off all the lights in our apartment and we lit about 25 candles, had a glass of wine, and just CHILLED.

She also gave me a massage, because today was my turn. We give each other a massage almost daily.

People ask me all the time; they want to know what I actually do with the women that I date.

Sometimes we read books together, taking turns doing the reading. Or we help each other to cleanse our chakras. Or we go down on each other…

We have a SIMPLE LIFE.

We're not addicted to stimulation and drama.

Hey YOU…

…YES you… the person reading this post right now, I want to ask you, are you like the thousands of people out there who fear that you’re too boring?


It’s ENOUGH just to chill with someone and watch movies or talk about stuff…

Deep down, people fear letting someone in, letting themselves be INTIMATE with someone because they’re afraid that if that person were to truly know who they are, that they would be disappointed and leave.

LET THEM LEAVE! Since when is LOVE not enough?

If you just started dating, the best favor you can do for yourself is to stop thinking about her constantly.

Because when you start CRUSHING and having all of these imaginary little fantasies in your head, that’s a great way to become attached to an ILLUSION instead of the real person. That girl in your HEAD that you’re thinking about isn’t a real person.

I know… I know. To everyone reading this, if you need to hold on to the illusion because you think that crushing is cute and romantic, go for it. But don’t be surprised if it messes you up in the long run.

When you're with her, you're with her.

When you're not, you're not.

That will help keep you calm and cool and detached from the outcome, which is the real key. Because if you keep thinking and thinking about her while she's not there, you will probably drive yourself crazy…

Best thing you can do is LET GO and simply trust that things will work out if they're supposed to.

"I trust the Universe to supply my abundance of love."

Live fully in the now…

Take care.


"Because when you start CRUSHING "

I think that "crushing" or that infatuation people feel for the first few months of a relationship is just natures way of making sure that two people stay together long enough in order to procreate.

Many women after some years of being in a relationship complain of "boredom" and it's important for men to understand that when she says this in reference to your relationship, take her very, very seriously. This is the time to ask yourself if you are spending enough quality time together or if you are taking her for granted.

What she means more of less is "I am bored with you". It seems that women attribute boredom in their relationship with there being something wrong with the relationship. She becomes vulnerable to the next guy who promises her the world, and there is no shortage of them.

Here is more on "crushing" .


I'm getting married in 17 hours, and this is quite some perfect words of wisdom heading in - a great reminded and refocus. thank you for sharing. :-)

Nice post... I pray it affects my life for good, followed you!
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Wow. This is really beautiful. Your story is everything but boring. Your kind of relationship is one of the rarest. It's hard to find relationships where things are done TOGETHER. I do however believe that it's not because we don't want to do things with our partners, it'd just pure conflict of interests in most cases. She wants pizza and I want roasted chicken, she wants to watch movies and I want to watch football. I guess these little things just automatically makes our relationships boring.

Even when we sacrifice our likes to please our partners, it will still never pass for perfect, a situation where two people in love just love the same things.

Guess somehow, we will all pull through.