How to Live a Married Life Happy

in #love6 years ago


Having a fun period of dating may be easy, but you may think that your marriage will not last after that early flame goes out. If you want to live a happy married life, you will have to strive to keep the romance alive and growing - both with your partner and as an individual. Although it is not always easy, you can make your marriage successful if the two engage. 1. 1 Respect your spouse. If you want to have a happy two life then you have to make your spouse feel in a life of equals, and take their feelings into consideration whenever you are making a decision or simply doing your thing. If you treat your spouse as if his opinions do not matter or as if you have the final say, you are bound to have an imbalance in your marriage. Be sure to give your husband's views the same seriousness you give your own and take the time to listen to him and make him feel that you care. • Strive to be kind, loving, and understanding to your husband. If you are having a bad day and cash in it, apologize; give him the basic respect he deserves instead of thinking that you can do whatever you want just because you are married. • You also have to respect your partner's privacy. Do not snoop around his cell phone or computer if you expect him to feel respected.

Work to keep your relationship in the present. If you care about your spouse and want to have a healthy and productive relationship, then avoid getting caught up in past mistakes that you have committed or continue reminding him of his failures; instead, reinforce positive behavior, taking time from you together and reflecting on everything you expect. If you care about your partner, respect his feelings and do not bring things of the past just to get his attention. • Although it is not always easy to overcome the past, do not bring it up by spite. Remember that your spouse is a person too and that you should not bring the past just to hurt you. 3. 3 Be ready to listen. Listening is one of the best ways to be considerate and respectful to your spouse. Do not be distracted when he is talking about his day, or wait for him to finish talking so you can say what you want; make an effort to really listen to him and care what he's telling you. When talking, leave the phone aside, make eye contact and pay attention to it. • Of course, we all get distracted from time to time. If this happens during a conversation, do not pretend that you were listening; sorry and ask what your spouse was talking about. • Ask him questions to show that he really cares; Do not let him feel like he's boring you. • Sometimes all that your spouse needs after a hard day is someone to listen to you. You do not have to feel obligated to give advice every time, just listen. 4. 4 Give priority to your husband. Although your life does not have to revolve completely around it, remember that you and your spouse have decided to get married, you wanted to be the priorities in each other's lives. Honor that decision and make all your big decisions with it in mind, making sure that you will try to do what is best for you as well as for the person you are married to. • If your family or friends are not getting along with your partner, then do not try to defend them unless he is being unreasonable; I am sure

that she is respecting her husband's feelings and that she gives him the love and support he deserves. 5 Keep good communication. If you want your marriage to be happy, then dialogue is the key. You and your husband have to be able to talk attentively about your ideas - especially about things the two of you agree or do together. Doing this daily helps foster dialogue between partners and keeps your marriage healthy and empowered. • Never say angry things just to hit your spouse. The cruel words you said without the intention of hurting can be difficult for your husband to forget - they can cause lasting damage in your relationship. If you end up saying something you did not want, sorry. • When discussing, stay focused on the subject and try not to personally attack your partner. • In order to have a good dialogue, you have to be aware of your husband's ideas and mood before having a conversation. You have to have the ability to read his expression and body language to tell if something is wrong and feel comfortable in touching on that subject. 6. 6 Do not break marital trusts, nor use them during a discussion. If your husband entrusted you with something very personal and important, then do not undermine that trust by telling this to someone just because you did not think it over. If it was something painful and personal, do not use it as ammunition during an argument, or your partner will feel betrayed. Have respect for the fact that your spouse has entrusted you with very important information and honors that trust. • You have to be the person your spouse trusts more than anyone else in the world. Do not do anything to compromise that trust. If you make a mistake, apologize for it. 7 Stay in tune with your partner's mood. If you notice that something is wrong with your partner, take the time to hug and ask what the problem is - maybe that is the time when he needs your attention the most. Do not ignore this opportunity. If your partner does not feel ready to talk, then do not try to force or make things worse, but show that he will be there when he is ready and willing to open up. • If you and he are out in a social environment and realize that something is not quite right, do not ask about it in front of everyone; Pull your husband aside to show that he's paying attention.