My Child's First Breakup....It Ended Up Being A Good Day.

in #love7 years ago (edited)

Yesterday me, my hubby and our 5 kids were sitting in the living room talking and shooting the breeze when one of my daughters started crying. When I asked asked her what was wrong, why was she crying, she replied that her boyfriend had just texted her that he was breaking up with her. Me being mom....I was immediately on my feet and moving to comfort my child. I held her as she cried and her dad and brothers begin to tell her how stupid the boy was for breaking up with her, and how it was his loss and how he didn't deserve her. My other daughter was telling them that's not what her sister needed to hear. I knew they meant well and while they were sweet to try to comfort her with those words, those were not the words she wanted to hear...not at that moment. At that moment, she just wanted to be comforted through her pain. She let me hold her for what seemed like only a minute, then she left my embrace and headed to her room, wanting to be left alone with her pain and her tears.

My heart broke for her....we've all been there before...right? Our first love...we thought it would last forever...then it's over and we thought the world was going to end. But the world didn't went on and we got over it so I knew my daughter would be okay. While I knew this to be fact, it still made me sad that she was going through this. I thought...what can I do in this moment to cheer her up? My child loves to eat so I decided that a yummy snack would have to do. She loves cold coffee drinks and Takis (if you haven't tried are missing out!). So off to the Quik Trip I ran and grabbed some $26 worth of snacks (no...not just for her but also for me and the other 4 kids) and raced back home. She was happy about the snacks and I overheard her and her sister making plans to watch a movie together later that night on Netflix. They said they would save their Takis for the movie. I don't know why, but at that moment, I knew that it wouldn't take long for her broken heart to heal and she would be okay.

Later that night, my daughter said that her "EX' texted to tell her the reason he broke up with her was because he wanted to have that "free" feeling but said she and he could still be friends even. She told him no, she didn't want to be friends, let alone best friends. She told him that he was selfish and that he should go work on himself and work on being a better person. She later told me that the reason she said that to him was that he had shared some things with her about himself, things that she said weren't very good and that is the reason she told him to go work on being a better person. I was really proud of her...not for what she said but because even in the midst of her hurt, she never divulged the secrets that he shared with her. No... I didn't ask her what they were.

At the end of the day....I'd have to say it ended up being a good day. My daughter was smiling again by the time she fell into bed...exhausted from the days events. With her heart on the mend, I'm pretty sure she'll love again....she is just 14 years old so love will definitely come her way again.


I'm glad to hear that your daughter got over her first breakup. I have two young daughters so that will be me in 10 years smh.....

Thanks @dre5025 is tough but you'll get through it :)