How To Escape Being Friend Zoned

in #love7 years ago

Ever been in a relationship with someone you thought really likes you because they always want to be around you and yet refuses to take the relationship to the next level when you asked? Yeah, that’s what we call friend-zoning. They like you as friends but don’t see you becoming their spouses yet they get jealous when they see someone else around you. If you are in this spot, then here is the golden rule to avoid being friend zoned.

No Issues With Being Friends
You know there is actually no problem with being friends! The issue is with someone sending the signals that they want more than just being friends when they don’t mean it. I have had friends who are downright out there looking for a relationship that will develop into marriage and yet, all they get are experts in friend zoning, guys who just want to be friends and nothing more. You know how bad it feels for you to invest in a relationship because you feel it will become something and then you pop the question only to get that sorry line “Oh! Sorry if I was sending the wrong signals but I just like you as a friend, nothing more!” Imagine how hurtful that is? And to think that this is coming from people you thought are serious? Dang! That really hurts!!

I believe there are ways we can be friends with someone without making them feel we are interested in them for a deeper relationship, such as marriage. We all have friends of the opposite sex that we will never dare to think of marrying because we know they are just friends. There is no issue with that. However, there will be problems with staying friends with people who we thought we could settle down with. Once you find yourself involved with a friend zoner, it’s time, I advise, to let the friendship go. Such is looking for a friend and you are looking for a spouse. There is a clash of interests and such a relationship will not work.

The Golden Rule to Avoid Being Friend Zoned

I know there are many books that have dealt with the issue of friend zoning extensively and there are many tips you probably have read online but at the end of the day, it all boils down to one thing which is what I call the golden rule to avoid being friend zoned. So what’s this rule? It’s simple, DEFINE YOUR RELATIONSHIPS FROM THE ONSET! I have seen this work like magic over and over again. I can say I have never been friend zoned because I learn to define my relationship from the onset. As a matter of fact, I always say, I can’t be friends with people I don’t see spouse qualities in. So the moment I start getting involved, I define without wasting time.

Defining your relationships early enough will ensure little or no resources are wasted on the wrong person.

I recommend you try this; then thank me later.