A Short Story - Cosmic Love

in #love7 years ago

Cosmic Love


Of absolute silence, of the empty universe, it was born without previous warning. Daughter of the God and the Goddess of the Cosmos. With a great explosion of proportions never before seen, it was how their existence originated. Born with very special eyes, you could see the innocence and power that came out of them, they shone so bright that they could illuminate a small part of the Universe, at that moment they came up with the perfect name for her, her name would be a new term to define Something bright, imposing, powerful and beautiful, -Solaris- his mother whispered, and his father when listening to him could not help but smile a big smile on his celestial face, his mother put her in his arms and whispered in his ear -tu, my love, you will be the treasure that will one day shine the universe with your wonderful creation,
It was not until after Solaris learned to talk that his parents could know his wonderful ability. His mother, spoiling and making caresses to his daughter, caused a pretty big laugh, the laughter of Solaris was quite strong, and gesticulated a lot when laughing and talking. At the moment of that loud laughter her mother realized that Solaris suddenly flickered, she had always emitted light from her body, and around her was a bright halo, but, at that moment, that halo flickered, and her mother heard a sound that could not identify, it became stronger, as if something were very fast and without direction, the confused mother of Solaris observed with a remarkable astonishment a figure completely unknown to her, but could not help but marvel at that fleeting and beautiful unknown, although we have to baptize what we have just seen- his mother thought for a few seconds about the name, but nothing crossed her mind, as she longed for it to be in her mind! and a name appeared in the same fleeting way as the figure that had just appeared before her eyes, an idea of ​​how to name her that had so astonished her, observed her daughter for a moment and saw her moving her little mouth. up and down, and his beautiful shiny lips came out for the first time: -mama- said the baby, but that was not all, pointed in the exact direction of the figure before seen -com ... comet- said the baby laughing, but her mother knew that her daughter, although she was very young, knew exactly what she had created, even if she did not know how, her baby had begun to fill the universe. but nothing crossed his mind, as he longed for his mind! and a name appeared in the same fleeting way as the figure that had just appeared before her eyes, an idea of ​​how to name her that had so astonished her, observed her daughter for a moment and saw her moving her little mouth. up and down, and his beautiful shiny lips came out for the first time: -mama- said the baby, but that was not all, pointed in the exact direction of the figure before seen -com ... comet- said the baby laughing, but her mother knew that her daughter, although she was very young, knew exactly what she had created, even if she did not know how, her baby had begun to fill the universe. but nothing crossed his mind, as he longed for his mind! and a name appeared in the same fleeting way as the figure that had just appeared before her eyes, an idea of ​​how to name her that had so astonished her, observed her daughter for a moment and saw her moving her little mouth. up and down, and his beautiful shiny lips came out for the first time: -mama- said the baby, but that was not all, pointed in the exact direction of the figure before seen -com ... comet- said the baby laughing, but her mother knew that her daughter, although she was very young, knew exactly what she had created, even if she did not know how, her baby had begun to fill the universe.
From that so-called "comet" Solaris did not stop, another of the amazing creations of the brilliant goddess was while she was with her father, they were traveling a small sector of the cosmos: -all this extension will one day be filled by you, my love - his father told him encouraging his daughter to create more and more, and that was it, after his daughter sighed loudly but calmly, he expelled the air and before his eyes he created a rounded figure, big and strong, a green color bright with certain bluish features, strange reliefs could be seen on the surface of the object, a quality quite easy to appreciate since it was gigantic, in it could live millions of creatures, unfortunately when they came down to inspect the land, it was deserted, there was no life signal,Apparently the talented goddess could create perfect and beautiful habitats for many beings to inhabit them, but those beings were not, she could not give life to future inhabitants of what she baptized as: "planet".
After a long time the goddess created many "stars", that's how she called them to generalize, in those stars there were planets, comets, moons, asteroids and also other combinations of them, like planets surrounded by millions of pieces of other stars and from what those stars were made, like ice, dust and giant pieces of comets and asteroids, the first time Solaris could see one of their planets surrounded by these rings could not contain the emotion and was dedicated to try to create one for her same, after so many attempts, to create planets with giant moons and asteroids, at last he was able to create a small planet with several rings surrounding him, he could not stop feeling happy for him, on that planet she deposited his love, his light and his hope , making him more powerful than she could ever know.
That nameless planet harbored love, warmth and had also inherited from her progenitor the ability to conceive, which, by joining with all those feelings of joy and affection, made a pose gave life, was an unequaled process, the sea of ​​the it was totally liquid, something that had never happened before because the cold of the space freezed every deposit of water that Solaris created, but this case was different, and from that sea, and from that underwater earth, a tall, slender figure was created and a little strange, seeing it did not attract much attention, but its origin made it the most fascinating living being until now, with his last efforts of life, the poses spoke to his son for what would be the first and last time He would communicate with him. -my son, you are born of the love of which I have been charged in my hour of creation, and, Although my vitality is scarce, my wisdom is extensive, more than an advice, a premonition I will grant you, just call it maternal intuition, your destiny is to originate something bigger than all of us, something beautiful that will symbolize more than the world for the future lives of the universe, but, a price you will have to pay for that gift for the next generations, you will cause suffering and leave in abandonment someone who will mean a lot to you, this is not a warning, it is the future, I can see it, just be careful with your steps . My son, blessed are you and you will always know that my rings will not abandon you even if you are a life away. Goodbye, goodbye, the grim reaper has already taken me to my cruel destiny, welcome to life, enjoy it as I can never, my son.
When Tradere realized that he was just a depression he suddenly attacked, and started crying without even knowing what it was to cry, his mother had spent all his energy creating it, it could not have been more painful for the lonely son born of a planet having remained alone in the vast universe of which he knew nothing, he remained plunged in his solitude, hugging the earth from which he had left, crying when he was awake and going through the recurring nightmares while he slept. When sadness and grief did not visit him, fear came to his door destroying the seconds of calm he had for a moment, knowing that anything could happen, that there could be other planets alive, that someone or something attacked him and only he could remember the short time that his life lasted, that he spent it crying, suffering, dying and falling apart due to his imminent loneliness. While looking at the dark void of space, a light, a new light that walked through the enigmatic landscape was seen above, he wondered what would be that beautiful incandescence that wandered.
Invaded by curiosity, he decided to make signs to the mysterious bright figure, after a moment he saw that he stopped, began to approach him and the figure behind the glare became clearer to his eyes, when he saw more closely he saw the the most beautiful creature he had ever seen, although he was the first creature he had ever seen in his life, he knew that it was very wonderful both inside and out, the fact of having lived in darkness for so long and at last see the ground where he lived thanks to a living being that approached him, instantly he was captivated by that strange luminous entity that with the passing of the seconds he just loved more. - What do we have here? Who you are? - Solaris said always smiling and in an affable tone. - I'm Tradere - hesitated, He was astonished, although intimidated by the creature in front of him. - Oh, Tradere, it's a very nice name, and tell me, Tradere, exactly where are you from? - said the brilliant goddess bringing her face to the strange being. - Well, from here, I was born here, and who are you? -. - I am Solaris, I am the goddess of all the stars, creator of planets, comets and asteroids, I made the ground where you are standing right now - said the goddess with no intention of boasting. - how did you do it? - asked Tradere, the goddess Solaris sat with him on earth and explained to him the smallest detail about the conformation and creation of the planet where they were, although from that explanation came other million questions, which Solaris was happy to answer , he explained where the comets go that I saw! They are so fast, that their course can change, and how, and why the asteroid belts meant so much to her. After so many explanations and laughter he felt very close to her, but not enough to tell him that he was born from one of his planets, he would prefer to keep it a secret for now
They began to be together for a long time, they were always talking about the universe and its conformation and they constantly discussed their lack of light. - I would like to do something - said Solaris rising from the ground where she was lying with her friend. - Every time I wake up I feel that the universe is darker, and I do not like that, I want to fill it with light so that other living creatures, like you, can see my wonderful creations, that would make me infinitely happy -. Each time they touched the theme of universal lighting Solaris was depressed and at the same time filled with determination, did not want to be able to make shine to the darkest corners of the cosmos, but if the ability, he had no idea how he could make his inner light would come out. Tradere could appreciate that determination,
After a while watching Solaris daily she wanted to show him one of the most special places for her, that was the first time that Tradere left her poses, since she did not have the physical abilities to leave it, like Solaris, she took it from the hand and raised it up out of the gravitational field. - Are you anxious to know where we're going? -. - Honestly I do not care where we go, just because I'm going with you I can not wait to get there -. He said smiling at the bright girl, she sketched a gigantic smile, and so Solaris took him through the void of the universe while wondering where he was taking him, but nevertheless he did not care, seeing how she was intertwining his hand with his, but nothing could have mattered to him in the whole universe.
When they reached their destination Solaris told him, very happy, that they were in one of their favorite places in the universe. - Right now we are standing on the first moon created by me, it makes me very happy to be in such a special place, with someone just as special -. Tradere could not help but be surprised and satisfied, he knew that this place meant a lot to his mistress and took him specifically to him. - As you created this place, that makes me treasure it infinitely, being here with you is the best gift ever given by the universe to me -. Solaris was the happiest in the universe at that time, she had finally realized that the planets that she had created, had made a deal so that in one she would find someone who could deserve to be on a moon with her, Tradere stretched out his hand and Solaris saw it immediately, then took both hands, facing each other without stopping to look each other in the eye. - Did you know that the moons revolve around the planets? -. She was also not sure why she said that, but she felt a little weird and distressing because of Tradere's presence, she spoke to fill that space, but she was already completely full only with the presence of both. Tradere pulled one of Solaris' arms towards him and the other pulled him away from him, did the same thing again, worse on the contrary, and without realizing they started doing that weird movement together, they began to spin around that moon - I want you to A turn here for me, while I hold your hand -. - You mean that I am the moon that goes around your orbit? -. After thinking for a few seconds, Tradere realized - no, it's really me, not the moon, the ring that revolves around the wonderful planet that you are for me, my precious shine sid! eral & nd ash ;. Solaris could not have felt as removed from the universe as at that moment, only she and Tradere were there, on the first moon that she created, without realizing they began to approach slowly, while both outlined a tender smile of love their lips joined together give birth a tender kiss, its importance was appreciable, while the kiss was still saw hundreds of asteroids through space illuminating both for a few minutes, at that time, in that place, with these beings, all the stars were in harmony and each feeling had been aligned. When their kiss ended they just stared at each other up there and before he knew it, the flood of happiness that Solaris had caused a few tears of joy to spill from his bright eyes, and when Tradere noticed it, he could not to stop seeing them while those same tears ascended towards the sidereal landscape, staying stamped, shining and illuminating that little piece of universe - you did it - said Tradere caressing the soft cheek of Solaris - you could finally illuminate a small piece of the infinite universe, I love you So much - Solaris just stood there, full of rejoicing, and of serenity, she knew that that particular mixture of sensations could only mean one thing - Love. That's all I can feel at this moment -. There was a lot of love in Tradere's mind, he felt in sync with Solaris and at that moment he could not stop thinking about how happy she was, that gave him satisfaction, but he could not let go of one detail, the way those bright spots were arranged, maybe only It was his imagination but he could not stop thinking that those glowing marks were pointing to a place, but in that moment! or stopped caring when he saw that Solaris had finally realized his dream of illuminating at least a piece of the universe - come on, you have to give them a name - said Tradere with some emotion, Solaris was thinking, she knew inside what It was that, but I did not know what to call it, until it came to your mind how you could oppose these newly born shining stars - so they will be called, and the definition of this word will be "light emitters" -.
Tradere was full of emotion while he and Solaris went to another destination, after what happened on the moon could not separate from each other. This time Solaris would take him to see his favorite asteroid belt, although he was fascinated by the idea of ​​being there with her, he could not stop thinking that the stars wanted to tell him something. When they sat on a nearby planet to see the beautiful conglomeration of stars. - This belt is my favorite because I do not believe it, but two dwarf planets that I had created too close to each other collided and thanks to the gravity of a gigantic planet this reunion of celestial bodies was formed, it is what most love, I feel that my creations have a life of their own, I wonder if any, sometime, has given life, do not you find it interesting? - Tradere was thinking about whether to tell Solaris that he is a creation of a planet, but decided not to do it, he thought it was not the right time, he would do it later - well yes, it is quite curious -. I spend a while and Tradere did not admire the belt, just stared at the glow of Solaris, hypnotized by its glow - hey, I want to tell you something - he said as he approached Solaris a little - I love you very much, and if I have a reason to do it , when I was born I was alone, in darkness, it took a while until I finally saw something, and that something was you, illuminated that dark place that was not only my pose, but also my mind and my heart; you attained it with your light and your grace, you are the most wonderful thing that has happened to me, and I do not care if the Universe is never enlightened, because my Universe was already illuminated by you - at that moment Solaris went straight to him and there they sat hugging each other for a long time - thanks for e! xistir & ndash; she whispered to his ear very sweetly, when they stopped hugging Tradere looked at her face saw that other tears were coming out, but this time, when climbing, they did not stand there in the landscape, but they left - where do you think what are they going? -. - I do not know, but I have a clue - they went straight to the place where they saw the stars for the first time. They did not stand there in the landscape, but they left - where do you think they go? -. - I do not know, but I have a clue - they went straight to the place where they saw the stars for the first time. They did not stand there in the landscape, but they left - where do you think they go? -. - I do not know, but I have a clue - they went straight to the place where they saw the stars for the first time.
Then they were already on their way to the moon previously visited. When they arrived, they could see that there were more stars, they were ordered one in front of the other, as if it were a trail to follow, and so he knew, those stars would guide their way to reach the destination predicted by their mother. - You were right, here they are, I have to do something to recognize this special merit. - Sollaris imagined a title similar to being a god, but for someone without the same capabilities - I have it! Since you can not be the god of anything, due to your lack of skills, I will name you the ruler of your own planet, you will be a king -. - what does that mean? - wondered Tradere - means supreme ruler, you must do your will where you reside, is something that I just invented - he said laughing. - I think then I want both of us to be kings, would you accompany me by ruling? -. - I would accompany you from here to the edge of the cosmos -.
While Solaris felt closer and closer to Tradere, he already knew what to do - He will make this Goddess cry - he thought selfishly, thus plotting his next move to get to whatever was waiting for him, but he was sure he would get where he belonged. , to home.
The day that Tradere set out to put his plan into action, he knew that it must be in his own home, he could not risk leaving his planet.
The trip to this place was long, but it was worth it to set in motion the task that Tradere had set himself. At last they arrived where they had planned, the first created planet. Solaris never wanted to do anything around that planet, because he never liked it, was not even round, was too oval, but being away from the rest of the planets he saw it as the perfect place to perform his feat. - Now that we are alone, my infinite brightness I must tell you some things -, with ardor in the heart and a bitter taste in the mouth found deep within him the strength to decide that his life was more important than the feelings of Solaris, or of anyone. - I hate you - he said without flinching, with a face expressionless and distant, as if his newly uttered words had come from the mouth of someone who lives on another existential plane, he said he hated it, not with discomfort, sadness or difficulty, he said it as a fact, the universe was dark, this oval planet, and the I hated her. - Sorry? - was the only thing that the goddess could murmur while her heart was breaking little by little, the first star could already be seen rising and fleeing the place of spite. - You did not hear me? I hate you, since you took me to that boring moon, I saw how silly you are, you're just a goddess who can not behave, everything to you are your stupid stars, every planet, every comet and asteroid belt, every star you've ever cried I think it's trash, just little ornaments without anyone who really appreciates or valued them, and, if there is no one who appreciates your creations, Is it even worth creating them? - just after that question Solaris felt like his heart was destroyed, as it was rotting, in a moment Tradere destroyed Solaris using some words, things that! He did not really feel, he destroyed his being, everything that was related to him had been killed and everything that had not, had also been collapsed in the collapse of Solaris emotions, his existence suddenly became empty and meaningless. - No - he said, trying to fix things and herself. - It can not be true - his face was destroyed - No! - he shouted, as he ran each star was spilled, and as he approached Tradere could wrap him in his arms and sink his face into his chest, filling him with tears. The sky was already starry, and something bigger was also born, a star but bigger than a giant planet, which caused many of the planets to change their position, which illuminated the universe. Tradere began to feel a sudden heat that was born from where the tears had fallen, intensified until in the blink of an eye, and Tradere was traveling at incredible speeds through the cosmos, the tears of Solaris had turned him into a star, on a comet.
The living comet that was Tradere could move at will, after traveling a large part of the universe finally reached its destination, a solar system of a few planets, the 3rd planet that could be seen starting from the closest to the sun, there he landed, he felt at home, he felt complete, he did not feel regret.
There he was abandoned Solaris, where he began, where he ended, after so much suffering and so much crying, he was dull, all the radiance inside him was gone, he was left lying the surface of the planet, almost lifeless, although illuminated by millions of stars, was in an inner darkness, it was all that was left of it. He vanished. Solaris was abandoned in darkness and in darkness she became.


(images are collected)