My Story: Chapter 12: Our new home

in #love6 years ago (edited)

Our new home was perfect. It was just a small one bedroom perfect for the two of us and our dog! Little by little, we got to know the area. after 2 months of living there, I got a new job working as a sales associate at Dollar General! I worked hard everyday, and before I knew it, after just one month there, I got promoted to Assistant Manager!!! I couldn't believe all of the good things happening. After a few more months, I decided to stop in a small thrift store near my house. Little did I know that I was about to meet my best friend. I would stop in there every now and then, and they always had great stuff!! After I had been going there a while, I became close to the owner little by little. After I had worked at Dollar General for 6 months, I quit one day in tears. (I was being mistreated a lot, and only paid $10 per hour to manage the place. The GM would always show up late, and blame others for her mistakes.) I went straight to my friends thrift store, and told them what happened. I was in tears. She comforted me. A week after I had quit, I decided to go and see if she needed help at her store. The owner(lets call her brie), her best friend(they knew each other since they were 11 years old. Her friend had an alcohol problem, and was always in a lot of mental pain... lets call her sarah.), and I all became really close over time. I would go there everyday and help sort through donations, clean her store, and it even got to the point I would watch it for her if she needed to go and do something for her son. Her son soon became like a nephew to me. I love him so much!!! in November, on the date of my boyfriends and my anniversary, we got married. My parents and my new mother in law came to the occasion. Brie did so much for us that day. She even bought us a cake!!! I couldn't have found a better friend in my life! I felt so blessed! Everything was great! Then, one day (after I had been helping at her store for about 5 months), my friends mom comes banging on my door at 6:30 am. I answer, and she starts repeating that Sarah's dead. Brie needs us. Sarah's dead. We've got to go! Brie spent the night at Sarah's house, and in the morning, woke up next to Sarah's lifeless body... Brie's mom, her brother, My husband and I rush over to Sarah's house to be there for Brie. Brie is inconsolable. That was her best friend, she keeps repeating. It didn't fully hit me until they let us in to see Sarah. Her lifeless body... That was Brie's sons Godmother... I had to be strong for Brie. No matter how sad I was, that was Brie's lifelong best friend. We went and put a sign on her store door that we she would be closed for a few days. I stayed at Brie's house for the next few days to be there for her. Brie and I were already close then, and on our way to becoming like family. I told Brie that I know that I will never be able to replace that connection she had with Sarah, but all I want is to be there for her and her family and to be the best friend I can be for her. After that, my husband and I started hanging out with Brie and her family more and more. Brie and her sons dad were separated, so Brie was living with her mom. Brie's mom and I soon became good friends too. May came, and along came my 24th birthday!!! We celebrated by going to Black Hawk (a Casino in the mountains). We had an amazing weekend! Two weeks later, I go out drinking with some other friends, and I didn't even drink as much as I normally would, but somehow, I got so sick, i couldn't even walk! I was so confused the next day. then one week after that, I realized that I missed my period. I took a pregnancy test, but the line was so faint, I could barely tell. I went to a clinic to take a test. Brie gave me a ride. (I had stayed the night at her and her moms house). The results come back at the clinic. I immediately call my husband. IM PREGNANT!!! To be continued on my next blog...


Hey @dreemsteem, here is the next chapter for you!!


what an emotional chapter this was!!!!

Did they ever find out what caused Sarah's death? How devastating for Brie!!!

and then... you brought my mood back up by showing that picture! :) pregnancies! such a blessing :)

can't wait for the next chapter! (sorry - i've been out of town for a few days - so I was a little late reading this one!)

@dreemsteem, for the Welcome Wagon

They found her cause of death to be her mixing something with the alcohol that didn't go well with it. It was an accident...

and it's okay :)

Heartbreaking. What a sad sad incident in your life. I'm so sorry.