You are unmarried
An understanding you do not carry
Yet you romance each other
Without manners and order
On one day to show lust
You profess Christianity
A lifestyle of purity
Yet you wallow in iniquity
And plan a day of immorality
Valentine's day they say
Premarital sex is no bad thing
Cuddling means nothing
"It's a love-show day"
That's all you can say
With your conscience deadened
Remember the body owner
He's watching you and your 'lover'
Judgement awaits you
If you remain on the sinful route
Taking no heed to escape
These immoralities
Destructive frivolities
Depicts not a bit of love
But a grieve of God above
Not even val can express love
But Christ's sacrifice on the Cross
That cleans from all gross
With divine straightening and perfecting of lives so rough
"Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently" 1 Peter 1:22.