From a slave to a master, chapter # 20 - The Road Map to realization, the first prerequisite

in #love6 years ago

A Memoir

Proluge: time to get practical. There is one requisite that any person who wishes to begin the second phase of their spiritual path must comply with. The first stage, by the way, was to be born in the physical reality. In this article, I am continuing the description of the journey out of slavery. It's been a while since we have gotten to this stage, and not for nothing. You have changed, and needed the time to adjust before we would move on.


Photo by Thanh Tran on Unsplash

In one of the previous articles I have mentioned, somewhat in a poetic fashion, the four tools to find True Love. Those four simple and clear instructions would undoubtedly bring True Love if followed: to breath; to feel; to live in the now moment and to understand that True Love would come. That guidance was expressed so briefly and so unbelievably simple that many of you probably kept on reading without much attention. That was appropriate and perfectly all right because I did say that the human mind would not allow you to believe that True Love can be so elementary.

In any case, and no matter how simple the reality may be, those four basic truths have to be detailed and explained. Sometimes in life, the simplicity is so banal that it becomes complex. Although the theory has been known for ages and has been told in scarce ancient scriptures and by wise prophets, it escaped the attention of the majority of the human beings. Therefore, only a few really understood it and fewer knew what to do to really put it into practice.

In the next series of articles, I am going to delve into some very practical topics of True Love. You may encounter, through the reading, words and notions that may seem foreign to you or worse - may cause you to feel uncomfortable and graveled. For example, you may not want to read anything that is sheltered under the general subject of spirituality; you may have had bad past experiences with “spiritual” people or their affiliates that caused you to never want to hear about “that nonsense” again.

But wait. Do not bunk.


Photo by Brannon Naito on Unsplash

I have promised already that True Love would be effortless and easily achievable. I am not going to recommend to you, in the name of “spirituality”, to take that course or another or to participate in workshops and such. Nor will I advice you to go to see clairvoyants, astrologers or psychic people. You will not need to buy any special artifacts, no “holy water”, no “uniquely designed amulets” and not even – believe it or not – love potions. I will say it again – It is easy to allow True Love into your life and once it is manifested by you in your reality you will look back and remember my words here. You will laugh at the efforts that you once thought that you needed to execute in order to find your love; and that will be all right, for part of the process is retraining your old thinking patterns and aligning them with the ones of the kingdom of love.

The spirituality I am speaking of differs from the “new age” philosophy

I am referring to a limited and narrow faction whom rather few have the willingness and the endurance to explore and follow. I am speaking of self-consciousness; of the personal investigation of the Self. And honestly, you really do not need to name it “spirituality”. When your friends will ask ‘how have you accomplished True Love?’ do not answer ‘I did spiritual work”. Rather, tell them about your self-awareness. When the girls around you will be thrilled by your joy with your dream-man, do not tire them with explanations about energies and spirituality. Tell them about the person you have become to be.

Therefore, dear readers, in order to enter the kingdom of your Self and to live in it you must comply with a preliminary demand that precedes the other prerequisites.


What you are requested to do is to Remain. Simply to remain and not to run away the moment you hear a concept as “consciousness”, or any other sentence that at first may look to you vague or too abstract or even threatening.

It also may be that in the past you tried the spiritual approach in order to find happiness but ended with no tangible circumstances. You listened to your inner voice; took that special workshop to connect with your body; changed your daily diet and wore special pieces of jewelry. But ultimately True Love didn’t happen to you; else you were not here, were you? That experience might have caused you to feel frustration and disappointment to the extent that you became upset with spirituality in general and the people who deal with it specifically. However, you need to understand that you never did something wrong or forgot an exercise. You just assigned too much effort into the process. That in itself impeded the creation of True Love. Whatever you did, and with all the partial successes you gained, was very appropriate and brought you to this point, to here, right on the threshold of the kingdom of your self. No need to make an effort. Your realization is right behind the gate.


Photo by Miguel Bruna on Unsplash

Do not despair just because in the past it didn’t work for you as you wished. The more you remain steadfast and focused in your mind the more you fulfill one of the most important requisites without which it would be impossible to enter the Kingdom. That requirement is perseverance.

Three steps

The process that leads you to the reunion with your True Love is divided to three separate steps, each is clearly distinguished from its peer as oil, water, and sand form three layers when inserted into a canister. In order to feel the sand at the bottom of that canister, one must pass through the oil and the water first. In the same way, the reunion with your True Love necessitates the successful crossing of the other initial phases. Skipping a step is really pointless and would only create for you a relationship that by all means could not be considered as True Love.

In the next article about my journey, we will proceed to open a hatch in the gate.



so amazing...and i am agree with your 4 simple and clear instructions about love 😊😊😊😊

What you are requested to do is to Remain. Simply to remain and not to run away...

Very well written! While reading your post it felt like some kind of suspense movie 😆. Anyway I’m not running away and am looking forward to your next chapter.
BTW: I personally wouldn’t want to have anything to do with any psychics since I know people who did visit them, their lifes had been literally ruined. Including someone from my close family and my close friend as well. It’s almost like you dig your hole deeper and deeper not realizing what the cause is. It’s dangerous and it’s real.

Most of the psychics see only one potential out of many, one which is colored by their own perspectives about life!

I will focus, feel and accept. I will connect with my inner-self. I am excited on your next post @nomad-magus, thank you very much for these enlightenment!😊❤

Your dedication will get you far and fast, but I must caution, be careful what you wish for 😉

I also agree with you sir @nomad-magus.
Love necessary successful crossing of the other initial phases.