What Do I think when people overreact because their child "come out of the closet"?

in #love7 years ago

This is something that I've been wanting to share with you fo so long, but now I'm finally doing it. Hope you guys read it.

I don’t remember how my parents and I started talking about “being gay”; actually it didn’t go in the way I thought it was going to. But I’m glad. I asked to them: “why is it such a big deal?” “Why people react in that way when their son/daughter “comes out of the closet”?”… It’s really sad seeing beautiful and young people living a fake life just because what their families and other people are going to say/think. There're beautiful people who doesn’t know how to live their own reality just because their hearts decided to love their same gender and seriously, it has to stop, we all need to support each other, especially if we are talking about the happiness of others.

I asked to them so many questions, one of them was: “How would a father/mother react if their child come to them and say “I’m a liar”? How would they react?” They thought of it for a moment and I knew the answer even before they answered me.

It would be something like “everybody it’s a liar” or “we all have been one in some point of our lives”; they’re not going to take you out of you house or stop talking to you, they’re not going to “take you out of the family”. It is going to die right after they finish the answer and no one will ever remember the fact that you’re a liar; it’s not going to be a big deal. But it’d be so much different if you have said “I’m gay”.

Let's pretend that being gay is as bad as they say it is. Let’s pretend that it’s a sin, let’s just think for a moment that God doesn’t accept it. But, wouldn’t it be the same than if you’re a liar? Wouldn’t it be the same than if you hate your neighbor? And, how much people it’s one of those things that I have mention before and we don’t even care? How many times in your life have you hear “they take their child out of the house for being hateful?” I believe it would be one in a million. What I am trying to say is very simple: God does not see a better sin and a worse one; He sees the liar in the same way he sees the hater, he sees the homosexual in the same way he sees the hypocrite, and if he loves them ALL, why do not we? And if he does not make exceptions WHY ARE WE WHO DO IT? We are not better than God, and we never will be, so please, those who spend their lives making otherpeoples lives more difficult than they already are, stop being an idiot. Love and let others love. Live and let others live their lives the way they want. Outside there are so many talented, beautiful young people who let their lives go away just because they do not have the support of their family and people close to them.

My parents at the end of the conversation said: “you’re right, it’s the same, and one it’s not better or worse than the other” So, I knew that someday I’m going to be able to talk to them about what is actually happening in my mind.
Everyone is different in their own way, each one has their own time to "come out" or accept themselves publicly. Maybe now is not your time, maybe it's your friend's time and all you have to do is support them, show them that you're there for them at any time.



Always remember: you are perfect as you are, do not let anyone change you unless it is for being better than yesterday, show the world how much you are worth and let others know that it is okay to be different, it’s okay love who you love and not be afraid of that.



Social media needs more posts this honest and enlightened. 😇