Love & Relationship Series :: It All Comes Down to Trusting the Self - Are We Rising To The Challenge?

in #love6 years ago

There is so much to say about trust!

@ogc just wrote a post entitled My Lessons With Trust:  You’ve Got to Give It to Get It in her Love and Relationship Series for the @museproject, sharing about trust in her personal love relationship.  That post has inspired me to write a bit about trust myself.

Trusting in life in general can be one of the hardest challenges we face as human beings.
Trusting, no matter how we apply it to life, really all comes down to trusting ourselves.
For we may not have any control over the outside circumstances, and we can never know what the future holds, but we can tune into that which speaks to our soul and act on that which feels to be the most honorable, benevolent, loving and enlightened path.  The question is, can we trust ourselves to do that, and hold ourselves accountable to upholding those high standards when the going gets tough and against all inner fears and outward apearances?

@ogc pointed out how difficult it can be to make choices that
go against the general grain of society.
I too have made some choices that were based on great trust, much to the chagrin of my family, friends, and greater community  Ultimately for me, the choices I made were about following my heart, as well as growth and expansion.  I REALLY challenged myself to step out of my comfort zone and get over some things that were holding me back.  I felt I had no choice but to follow my heart, for at least then, no matter the outcome, I could rest assured that my soul could be at peace for having followed the path of love.

There are some major life circumstances that immediately come to mind when I think of having trusted myself.  I can still feel the intensity of some of my decisions, but am extremely grateful that I took the chance to let go. I continued holding my own hand through the thick of things, closed my eyes and went within, and basically ignored the thoughts and advice of others to the contrary.  I quieted the chatter within my own head that wished to intoxicate me with doubt, and took another breath toward love, steadily leaving behind layers of indoctrination and fear.

I have made many against the grain choices like moving in with my boyfriend at 18 when living together was unacceptable until after marriage, stopping the consumption of meat 25 years ago when eating a vegetarian diet was considered really weird, breastfeeding in public 30 years ago in a upper class Latin culture, and marrying a man 16 years my senior when that too was a rarity in my circles in the ‘80s.  Those things just allowed me to test the waters of the trust I had in myself.  As life has gone on, I’ve made way harder life-changing decisions that tested me to even greater depths.

I’d love to write blogs about all of these subjects (and likely more as they again rise to the surface), as I feel they encompass many underlying core beliefs that stop many of us from experiencing truly being alive.  I feel sharing more in depth about these choices will give us some juicy opportunity for conversation.  If you have any preference on where I begin, leave me a comment, and I’ll be delighted to consider your request.

- Unschooling my children 25 years ago when unschooling was hardly heard of.
- Falling in love with a man 24 years my junior and the evolution of our relationship.
- Donating my personal family home to @quinneaker for the birth of the @gardenofeden.
- Standing up to the system even after being a
primary target of a black ops swat raid in my home.
- Questioning my taxes, licenses and other personal governmental control realities.

Not only have the choices I’ve made required great trust,
they required lots of deep breaths, tears, heartbreak,
and lots and lots of introspection.  
I had an ongoing internal dialogue to assure that I was
truly capable of trusting myself on such important matters,
and that what I was doing was for my own evolution
and to follow my soul’s purpose, not for any other hidden agenda.

All of these choices still affect me greatly,
and some still have an outcome that is yet to be determined.
But I can say that through it all, I have gained much insight,
have become more capable of following my heart,
and have much more faith and trust in myself than I knew was possible.

Somehow the Universe keeps bringing forth magnificence in my favor.
I attribute that to having honorable motives and
holding myself accountable to love.

Freely trusting really requires a deep sense of self.
I continue to step up to that challenge.

I would love to dialogue further about trust,
and how impactful it is to our well-being.

In love,

"The Muse Project is a collective of women, leaders, creators, and all around super natural beings that provide their personal content to support a more balanced presence on the blockchain."Read our Mission Statement  here.


@museproject, keep sharing this great life experiences stuff and i also watched the video of Museproject which was shared by the Steemcafe and i understood the core of the Museproject and that is Empowering Women on Blockchain and it's definitely an great initiative because, now through Blockchian you'll can inspire other women or men who thinks that they are limited. But, this life story reflects that, we are not limited our thoughts are limited and we just have to stop those thoughts which holds our productive actions which in turn can push us towards great heights if acted on time, so from this we have to pull out the greatest message as, when you are up-to something good work then follow your heart because if you go against your heart then whatever you do your actions will be stagnant but when we follow our heart, no matter what will be the result we will not regret. Thanks for sharing and keep spreading great experiences and thoughts. Wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

It is so true that we are only limited by our own minds, as our ideas are really what hold us apart from reaching our true potential. I love that we're on the same page and that we strive to acknowledge the grand opportunities that we can only hide from ourselves.

I greatly appreciate your comment @chireerocks, and all of the comments you have made on the @museproject posts. Thank you for your support.

Thank you so much and welcome. 🙂

Trust is taking a leap of faith but how do we trust others when we don't even trust ourself. I know putting ones self out there is asking for a bullet through the heart but we can't let that fact detal us images (97).jpeg

It all starts with the self!! Yes we are making ourselves incredibly vulnerable. It can be a very painful journey, though if we rise to the occasion, great benefits do unfold. "A bullet through the heart" - well said @eddyson.

I'm very happy to have found @museproject and your blog today @everlove because trusting myself is still something I struggle with a lot and feel I need to work on it more. In the future I think it would be really great if you could write something about unschooling your children or questioning the government - very popular topics these days. Thank you again.

I'm so glad you found us too @trivij. I have no doubt you will receive more opportunities to work on trust! It seems that we get blessed with the things that we need most! But that is a good thing, since trusting ourselves really is key.

Thanks for the suggestions. I'd be delighted to write about unschooling and the government, as I have indeed had years of both! I'm glad that these are somewhat hot topics these days, as these are amazing ways to make great change.

I appreciate your comment and that you're tuning in. Perhaps we can all help each other.

Thank you again @everlove for such sincere words, I really appreciate it. I'll keep on following you girls at @museproject since I think its an awesome idea and allow myself to get blessed with new opportunities to change and grow.

I love that we're all in it together! I appreciate your appreciation @trivij.

This is an interview I did with @larrymorrison, about unschooling, life, consciousness.....I think you will enjoy it. I would love your feedback.

Wow, I really need to thank you for the video, you were so so right. This lovely conversation resonated with my heart and I enjoyed it a lot. I have to say I probably agree with everything you two talked about but mostly I'm just happy that once more (even if you guys are on the other side of the world) I'm not being "crazy" on my own. My own soul searching journey started a couple of years ago by realizing I am definitely old enough to live my life the way I want to and not to comply with things being arranged for me by someone else. I started questioning and rethinking much of the things I learned during my schooling, started educating myself on subject I was interested in but most importantly I slowly started to trust my intuition. The next thing I want to share with you is that having taken a lot of time to look inside and search this inner inspiration for what I want to do or how I want to live my life had let me to the point when I have gathered a few people around the idea of creating a community space for kids of all ages to spend their time in nature, cultivating a garden and just let them have a space to be free and creative. One farmer joined the project by donating us some land with a little forest so we were just being able to start cleaning the land and prepare everything for official opening around the end of summer. We will take small steps towards a better life opportunities for our children. I really want to make this happen not just because I have faith it will work out great but also to show or make an example of what kind of changes are truly possible. Well not to go on for another page or so, I am really lucky to find you and Garden of Eden here on @steemit, I will follow and learn from this lesson being presented to me :) All the love, Sanja

YES YES YES!!! I love to hear this!! Community space in nature and kids---the perfect match!!! I hope you will document your process here on Steemit and share how joyous and wholesome an education based on freedom can be. People need to see examples so they know there are possibilities of another way.

Trusting our intuition when it goes against the grain can be very tricky. Just know you we are here and you are supported. Thanks for loving the kids and holding space for a new generation of empowered beings. They are depending on us. Let's give them the opportunity to be who they really are!

Much has been happening at the GOE, not much time to respond or write posts. You loving support and passing on this important information will be greatly appreciated. Thanks for being here @trivij--Sanja!!!

One of the reasons why I joined Steemit is the idea to document this process and present an example to others. Yes, loving the kids and making opportunities for them to develop naturally is in my opinion giving them the tools needed in the future.
I was shocked to find out what had happened at the GOE, sending positive vibes and sharing this important information. All the best to all of you!!

this is really beautiful and inspiring! i find many similarities between the author and my own personal journey and that feels really beautiful inside! thank YOU for listening to your inner voice and trusting that above all else. i believe we create a beautiful world when we do that!! resteemed xoxo @everlove

Thanks for that genuine comment @mountainjewel. It's really empowering to challenge ourselves to trust--and we are the ones that deserve it the most! Grateful to share with you. Thank you for the resteem xoxoxoxoxo!!!

I think you will enjoy this conversation @mountainjewel.
I enjoy your screen name!!!

Wow this is some powerful stuff, you are living a courageous life. I have experienced a similar thing in my own life - the desire to act spontaneously and this intense conflict inside. One part wants to play it safe and get validated. But the heart wants what it wants, and it doesn't know all this logic and tactics. Thank you for sharing this I think that it will inspire many people, it has certainly inspired me.

Funny how we often walk in two worlds and struggle trying to reconcile the two. I can totally relate to living the dichotomy of playing it safe and the opposite in letting the self be vulnerable. It does take courage to live such a life, though if we are able, the rewards are great. I appreciate your thoughtful comment. I'm grateful for the opportunity to connect with you @phillyc.

@phyllyc - I think you will enjoy this interview from @larrymorrison's blog. This is an interview we did together that touches more on this subject of trust. Would love to hear your comments.

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