One Sided Love (Original Poem)

in #love8 years ago

I want to make you mine,
But in reality, that would be divine,
Its like a glass full of wine,
Which everyone wants get, drink, but it still stays safe and just fine...

You looked fabulous today with your specs,
Its my heart forcing me to see you with respect.

I wish you wear them everyday,
I want to reach my destiny, but I'm still at the beginning of the way,

But the day will come, when I'll have to show,
I know that you are way too far than what I deserve, although,
But still I want to try, give my heart in your hands, it's up to you whether to accept it or throw...

I wish I could just rest in your arms,
Tell you everything and feel calm,
But I don't have the courage to touch the diamond,
Neither I possess any charm...

You are that green grass in the morning,
Which calms the eyes and makes the heart feel all fuzzy and warming..

All doors were closed,
I was waiting for all these years to get a master key,
Looks like god just heard my plea,
Placing you in the book of my life, that's all I can see...

I can not see anything else but you,
You are spreading the magic of your beauty, and I was one among a few,
Who got killed by it and experienced the life as a new..

I want to capture your smile,
Glimpse of your magic in a box,
Keeping it with me all the time..

God wasn't sure, that he overdosed the beauty and cuteness, while making you,
I can't control myself, my heart, my mind, please be mine, I'm begging you...

I wish I could just tell you, how beautiful you are looking right now,
I wish I could just keep watching you and take a bow...

One Sided Love
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