Thank you so much!! We were commenting today how relaxed we both are here, while reading an actual book "up in the tree tops". Sometimes the stars really do align and things work out perfectly :)
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Thank you so much!! We were commenting today how relaxed we both are here, while reading an actual book "up in the tree tops". Sometimes the stars really do align and things work out perfectly :)
I'm glad you're both liking it. You've been through so much, you deserve a break and a place to relax.
Thank you! You know something? I haven't been doing as much 'steemit' the last few days, and I think you just explained why to me . I just feel like doing whatever I want, and yes, I think Brian and I both deserve that.
This Catholic guilt I was raised with occasionally rears its' ugly head haha Thanks for the perspective :)
I hope you and yours are having a great weekend! I'm assuming it's starting to feel like Fall there?
I think you should do whatever you want! Embrace it. If you want to get on Steemit and curate or run a contest or whatever, go for it. If you don't want to, then don't. If you want to spend all your time salsa dancing on the rooftop whatever-you-call-it, then do that! (It's more likely to be swimming, I know.)
Yeah, the guilt can get you. I'm glad I accidentally provided perspective.
Yes, it's starting to feel like fall. I'd like to live in a place where it's sunny and 75 every day. That seems really nice. For now though, as long as I live in most of the continental US, there are going to be more seasons than that, and that includes winter. :( Oh, well. Then comes spring!