
I'm glad you're both liking it. You've been through so much, you deserve a break and a place to relax.

Thank you! You know something? I haven't been doing as much 'steemit' the last few days, and I think you just explained why to me . I just feel like doing whatever I want, and yes, I think Brian and I both deserve that.

This Catholic guilt I was raised with occasionally rears its' ugly head haha Thanks for the perspective :)

I hope you and yours are having a great weekend! I'm assuming it's starting to feel like Fall there?

I think you should do whatever you want! Embrace it. If you want to get on Steemit and curate or run a contest or whatever, go for it. If you don't want to, then don't. If you want to spend all your time salsa dancing on the rooftop whatever-you-call-it, then do that! (It's more likely to be swimming, I know.)

Yeah, the guilt can get you. I'm glad I accidentally provided perspective.

Yes, it's starting to feel like fall. I'd like to live in a place where it's sunny and 75 every day. That seems really nice. For now though, as long as I live in most of the continental US, there are going to be more seasons than that, and that includes winter. :( Oh, well. Then comes spring!