in #love7 years ago (edited)

👉🏻When is the right time?
👉🏻When is enough -enough?
👉🏻When is enough not yet enough?
👉🏻When can you say that he is worthy of your love?
👉🏻When can you say that you already found the one?
👉🏻When can you say that you are already the one for him?


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They say love is worth fighting for , isn’t it? But what if that someone you are into is not feeling the same way too? Can you still say that he is really worthy enough? Is he really worthy of your attention and affection? These are just some of the questions that need multifarious answers from various people due to different upbringing, preferences, priorities, beliefs , perspectives and experiences in life.

Hi Steemians, I know some of you right now are inspired, others are hurt badly in different levels. Whatever emotions you have right now, I know we know the feeling of being in love and love in return or the other way around which most refer as requited love. Loving a person takes a lot of courage since you are giving that person the authority to take good care of your heart and hurt you intentionally or unintentionally.
If you are in love as if the whole world conspires in celebrating the overwhelming joy you have felt from the bottom of your heart. .It is a feeling one would wish that nobody could take it. However, when we talked about love, pain is inevitable. In the path of knowing the person God intended for you to be with , relationships are tested through water and fire. It took a lot of challenges that both couples should conquer together. But what if in the middle of the road, one tries to give up but the other already has given up? Is it time already to conclude that both of you are done with each tasks but it is not working anymore.

So now let’s answer the questions stated above briefly yet comprehensively.

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1. When is the right time?

There is no right time nor a perfect timing. The clock that we have doesn’t tells us that it is time to fall in love, time to to let go, time to move on, and time to fall in love again. It does not have that ability to do that, however when we are in the peak of our emotions, we felt that it is already the right time without considering the social , personal, emotional and spiritual factors that should be given a lot of emphasis before diving into a commitment that requires great effort and time in order to work. If you are about to ask , if it is already time, read the passage in the book of Eccliastes 3:1, “There is a time for everything”, thus if you are confuse about time, Go to Him, ask Him and He’ll surely tell and show you the right time because God’s time is the perfect time and the best time of all.

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2. When is enough – enough?

If you are hurt because someone you love hurt you, and you have come to a thought of asking this to yourself, I am pretty sure that you have asked yourself over and over again because in the end love still prevails. But when is enough really enough? It depends on our emotional’s pain tolerance. Consequently, if you felt that your love is being abused and not given worth, it would be the best time to let go and live your life again without asking and begging the attention and love of the person you are dreaming but not destined for you.

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3. When can you say that enough is not yet enough?

Have you uttered the lyrics of the song , “ I did my best but my best wasn’t good enough?” if you can relate, well then steemians welcome to the club. Many of us have done through a lot of effort yet for others it does not suffice their emotional needs. Can you conclude then ,that your enough is not yet enough? Probably yes, in our part we have done our best yet our partners don't feel it then we have to think again where we lost track and which part of the relationship needs to be fix and exerted a huge amount of effort that comes from the heart.

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4. When can you say that he is worthy of your love?

True love makes you feel better about yourself. It should inspire you. It should encourage you to become the person you've always wanted. If being in a relationship tears you down and makes you question your value, then you're not in it for the right reasons, steemians.

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5. When can you say that he is already the one?

In relation to the number 4’s answer, you can say that he is already the one if he pushes you to unlimitless possibilities this life could offer. If he believes and trust you and is willing to give his heart and soul to be with you. If he loves to grow old with you and live life with you according to God’s purpose and if he draws you closer to the Creator and before the creation. If visualize a life together with you worthy living for because both of you give back to God all His wondrous works that He has done and will continue to do in each of you. If you already have him, you are very blessed, he is a treasure worthy to be kept.

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6. When can you say that you are the one for him?

Love teaches you to be selfless. Thus in love, it is not enough that you will just assess your partner’s deeds towards you. You also have to assess yourself if you are right for him and if he deserved to be treated the way you treated him. If you keep on asking yourself about his standing in your life, have you ever thought if he also deserves someone like you? Steemians work yourself first to be a roght person for the right man God has planned for you.

Fellow steemians, bear in mind that when a person loves you, you will know it, you will see it and you will feel it. You won’t have to spend time doubting because that person will surely assure you that you do have a special place in his life through his efforts and any means he could do. Moreover, You will never be too much for the right one.

Credits to @theseusej