It was 10:38p.m and I decided to stay away from bed and share this one..

in #love7 years ago (edited)

1511534_10152246724088679_1574102513_n.jpg those who are experiencing heartbreak, or ever experiencing most heartbreaking moment, or in the past...and have yet to heal from it.

I received a bad news just a while ago from a friend who is also one of my ex-college mates that he has just broke up with his girlfriend who he thought going to be his wife in future. In fact, the last time I met him was early last year. Back then I was anticipate his good news soon as he have tried proposed few times already but have yet succeeded. And would still keep trying.

Truth is, I have not met this friend for 12 years after we graduated. There's so many changes in everywhere, in our thoughts, our influences and so on.

And I did have a bad feeling when I first met him together with his girlfriend. You really can't take a women intuitions lightly.

So when I heard the news, I wasn't that surprise surprised, of course I wish the odds be ever in his favor, well, who knows, you are the outsider of the relationship and perhaps people juggle it well... but instead of that... this :( I am feeling really bad for him. I had a short chat with him, not sure if it's good time to talk yet, and share with him the same video I linked it here later.

I can understand exactly how my friend feeling at this moment. Forcing himself so hard to erased the memories, ease the pain with booze, almost every night for many months now. I was worried and spent some time in his Facebook. I can feel his anger, his hopelessness, and does all the laughter to ease the pain, to forget how cruel the reality are. I know this because I've gone through the same thing and don't ever wish it'll happened again.

I can truthfully tell everyone easing the pain with booze doesn't help, at all.

It might be, for temporary, but I can assure you it'll come back again the next minute you sober up and open your eyes.

There's really, really nothing you can do but get yourself wake up from the moment you are in, and accept the reality.

The reality.

Don't tell yourself, "I'm moving on" "I will move on" ...You are breaking those steps.

It need to start with, accepting.

Accept the fact the relationship doesn't work out for both of you.

Accept that there's no wrong or right (even though she/he hurts you really bad)

Accept that things you have pour in, your heart, your love, your respect, trust, your time..all these precious are going to slowly fade away. But also accepting, that you are courages enough to do all this to someone, someone who you not know if they will stay with you forever.

Accept that you are brave, though you are very insecure at this moment....and for that, it will only make you stronger.

If you would learn to accept.

Once you got through this phase, you will know what to do and the right thing to do next.

Is not easy. It'll never be, if that someone was that so close to you before.

I'll end this with a talk, who I find really helps to everyone out there who are experiencing this pain. I came across this video about last week and I find the full version immediately after that.

If you like, give this video a play, by Najwa Zebian.

If you like to go straight to the full version, it is a good stories before bed.

Remember, you are not alone.

Good night.



you have us ! teammalaysia

Ah ha! ;)