10 tips to make your girlfriend happy this Valentine’s Day

in #love7 years ago (edited)


10 tips to make your girlfriend happy this
Valentine’s Day

These tips were made for those tough situations. You know when you forget to make a dinner reservation and everything’s all booked up or when you simply don’t have that much money to spend on Valentine’s Day . It happens to the best of us no worries LOL no broken hearts this year have no fear I’ve got you covered

Do something special this year ... cook a very nice dinner , if you can’t cook lol obviously order fancy take out and serve on your finest Dining ware
Flowers are must this year... Roses or any other Arrangement of flowers as long as they’re real
Pick something sappy to watch like a Romantic comedy or love story at the red box or Netflix n’ chill ( the Notebook , The time travelers wife)
Valentine’s Day Card handmade or store-bought something cute nothing over-the-top
Every woman loves candy get “The big box” lol remember you’re making up for not making dinner revelations
Find a small gift like A teddy bear or get a picture of you two together famed (gift wrap the picture)
Get a fresh haircut trim your beard dress nice smell good
Be on time LOL women hate when you’re late... have your dinner movie flowers card candy and gift all set up in advance
Smile extra bright in her selfies and be prepared to Pose in all the Valentine’s Day Snapchat filters
Overall just be the charming guy you were when she decided to be your girlfriend and Remember money isn’t everything the fact that you planned everything out to the T is going to be the thing that she remembers the most about Valentine’s Day this year ...