The A minute Story

in #love7 years ago (edited)

A smart young man who is dismissive with all women, named Roy Hermawan. Roy just celebrated his 17th birthday that is not special. Without Mom, no father and no one, just Roy.

Today is the first day of school. He was very lazy because he had to continue his super monotonous life, such as going to school early in the morning and at noon back home, so the days. As usual, he left for school with a battered motor of his grandfather's legacy. For some reason while on his way to school, Roy always looked around the street filled with people with their own busyness.

Upon arriving at school, Roy sees many of his schoolchildren dating intimately in public. Roy had never felt at all like falling in love. During this time, he never thought of wanting to have a boyfriend. Maybe because no woman can make her feel special. However, after Roy saw the people dating around him, he felt jealous. Many questions arise in his head.

"Do I have pantes to get a girlfriend?"

"Do I have to have a boyfriend?"

"Can my girlfriend later understand me?"

Roy really understand what happened to a couple of lovers at the same time. Instead of spying on dating lovers, he had not seen them fighting in one of his cafés on a Saturday night, Roy was not with anyone there, he was just a dead object, a laptop. Roy sees the lovers evasive, the trivial matters the woman always exaggerates to her lover. Many of which make him confused about the attitude of a woman who suddenly angry, indifferent, to his lover. That's why Roy feels uncomfortable if being with a woman, he did not want to waste time if just plain unclear mouth like things he saw at the cafe at that time.

When the Indonesian language lessons took place, the teacher started joking with his students with the topic "girlfriend". Many of Roy's classmates who already have lovers, he began to feel that he is not normal. Finally, Roy keeps thinking about women, women and women.

On the way back home, Roy spotted a woman who seemed to be waiting for a pickup. He stopped to look at her. Roy kept watching her from the side of the road. In his mind "he's special". Roy thinks, "How to get acquainted with her?" The hard thing for her is, the woman is not a school with her.

The next day, Roy goes to school with city transportation, he is not in good condition if he has to ride a motorcycle, because he knows that the day will be very hot, plus fuel prices soar. It was a terrible morning, he had to jostle when on the busway, the streets were jammed with cars and motorcycles, plus he had to meet a lesson he really did not like, Chemistry. When he came home from school, Roy met again with a woman exactly like the woman yesterday on the side of the road near her school. Roy walked slowly as he watched her from afar, he continued to look the other side of the road until he was finally hit by a dummy wagon that was walking facing him. Roy was embarrassed, as many people around laughed at him. He hurried across the street for not wanting to get too late in the noise around him.

After crossing the street, Roy stopped his steps right next to the woman he had admired since yesterday. Finally, Roy decides to take the liberty of getting her to talk. Roy was very nervous when he was dealing with the woman, whereas the woman took it casually. Roy began to invite him to meet, she was drifting with the intelligence of Roy to talk to people he had just met. Until finally, the woman was picked up by a man with a large body posture creepy. Roy just threw a grin of fear at him.

Saturday Night. Roy had worked out his plans that night for a long time. She wants to find sweet moment lovers couple who joking in a favorite place in Semarang City. Jalan Hero, it is located in the middle of the city. Many of the young people who want to enjoy the beautiful atmosphere of the night Jalan Pahlawan, many also street vendors walking around selling merchandise. With the stock camera, Roy ready to find the lovers there. Roy's goal there is, to offer direct photo services so with a wage of Rp.20.000 per photo. He had been running his side job for a long time, and he always wanted to try to earn money with his own sweat, as well as to fill in the empty time of Roy on a Saturday night. Roy walked around Jalan Pahlawan to Simpang Lima which was quite far away. Roy's watch has been showing at 21:00 pm but he has not been getting customers.

From time to time Roy took pictures of small children playing in Simpang Lima Park, he smiled when he saw a young boy who was playing skates in front of him, instantly remembered his childhood first. At that time Roy's parents still spoiled him, with a life of luxury and perfect affection. Roy missed his parents first, not the present one. Those who are too busy with their work, to the extent that they do not remember with his birthday a week ago. Roy accepts the rare circumstances of his parents at home from out of town, but he does not accept that his parents do not have the least time for his only child. Reverie Roy broke apart when there was a woman who tapped his shoulder from behind. That woman is Karin. The woman who met her across the school.

Roy pauses for a moment to see him, he is shocked to see the difference Karin at meet in front of school with whom he looked at that night. Roy began to throw in one sentence so that the atmosphere did not make her feel bored when she was with him. Roy invites Karin to walk around Simpang Lima Park while laughing. The night was long for them. Roy paused his pace and he uttered a sentence that made Karin a little surprised. Roy asks Karin to accept her sincere love, and fix both of them have become lovers. They hugged each other in front of the crowd that night.

Since then they have spent more time together. Until one day, Karin did not show herself again. He disappeared without saying a word of separation to Roy. Roy tried his cell phone number, but there was no answer. All Karin Social Networks have been disabled by it. Roy is increasingly confused what to do, until in the end he intends to visit the house Karin is located not far from the middle of the City.

Roy pressed the bell button near the door of Karin's house. Not long after that came out a mother, Ibu Karin. Then her mother explains if Karin does not want to see Roy again without giving a clear reason. From the corner of the house came out a young girl who was riding a wheelchair with a weak body. Roy was shocked to see the state of Karin he never knew. Karin explains about her condition, she has Brain Cancer disease that has no hope to heal. Tears fall from the corner of Roy's eyes.
Since that day, Roy tried to spend his time to visit Karin's house. He really wants to take care of his lover, he does not want to leave Karin just like that. Giving a bite of rice, preparing the medicine, and accompanying his last days. Warm atmosphere is created when they are together, doing sweet things that may not be done by other lovers.

The next day Roy visited Karin's house again, eagerly driving her motorcycle. Arriving at his home, Roy saw the flutter of the flag of grief, he took off his helmet and walked limply accompanied by tears that rushed from the corner of his eye. No more beautiful stories, no longer a woman who accompanied her days, only memories of a name that would never be replaced. Karin Raflesia.