My lost soulmate

in #love7 years ago

Hi Steemians

For everybody who believes in Love : Happy Venlentines Day! Be happy and let this day be very special for you and your loved ones.


Love can be a very strange topic when you think about it deeply. I am single this year and happy to be single. Trying to enjoy my time and learn new things. I have enough time for myself to figure out what I want to do in the future.

I had always a strange feeling of looking for someone that doesnt exist. I dont know know if anyone of you experienced such a feeling. Even if I am in a relationship I still feel that it wasnt the person I am looking for It is not about the person himself. The relationship can be totally OK and successful. It is just a feeling of looking for someone special. Someone that I feel attached to, but dont know who he is. Maybe someone from a past life or some memories that I wasnt able to forget.

I called him the lost Soulmate or a deep past memories. Someone that I have been with, but cant remember. It is a very strange feeling and still trying to understand it. I am sure that he is out there and can feel him. But who is he!

Anyway! Today it is very cold, cloudy and raining. I feel very lazy and not in the mood to go out. Just had my coffee and chocolate and will work a bit on Steemit. I am sure that I will find many nice posts today full of love :)

I was talking to my friend and she invited me to participate in her Fashion Show in April. It is a very nice opportunity for me and will do some research about her topic "Melancholy of Istanbul". I will prepare some drawings related to this topic and also to other topics that I chose. It is nice to play with colors and have something new to plan for :)


The most important relationship is the one we have with ourselves… Our higher self. Take the day to spoil yourself… and enjoy yourself and your own company… Listen to the advice you give yourself… Knowing the self is most important… So very few people actually give themselves the love and time they deserve.

Wishing you a wonderful Valentines day… Love and happy happenings.

Thank you :)
I am trying to do that in the past months and yes it makes me feel happy!

Photography is my meditation, my contemplation... i love to wonder through the woods alone with nature... Try to capture the beauty of natural light... Find time to sit in peace and just listen.
i see you too are a photographer, i'll look at work later... Namaste.

Thats really amazing. I slept while meditating today, I know it is funny. I stopped for a while and now I am starting again. I started also sun gazing and feel very comfortable with it.
Well I am an amateur photographer :)

i too am an amateur photographer... Have been since i was about ten years old. Meditation is a daily practice, but as meditation is of the mind, i prefer to wonder next to a streem or big old oak. i also love to paint, if you look at my blog you'll see many of my photographs and a lot of my artwork. i also love music and i love to gig... i think life is an artform... That we're all artists and that we must allow each other to create... Hope you've had special night. Namaste.

Thats true we are all artists and we are all talented. We need to discover ourselves :)
I saw your art. It is amazing :) Keep it up!

Thank you... The now is all about discovery... Dare to be and dare some more. The more we let go the better we feel. The more we surrender to the divine feminine the closer we get to knowing ourselves. Thank you hanen. Love and light... Namaste.

This really touched me cause I really experience same story. I just pray for you to be happy and have what you want in life happy valentine @hanen

Thank you :) I hope that we can figure out the big Secret behind this feeling one day !

Yea I hope so @hanen

Happy Valentines day and here in my country they say today is the day of love and friendship so it is for everyone

Here too! People celebrating and it is a very special day. Thank you :)

much love in your direction @hanen, sometimes we find what we seek when we least expect it :)

Happy Valentine's Day, sending you much love :)

Thank you dear, same to you :)


Thank you :)


Thank you :)