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RE: Love And Be Loved

in #love7 years ago

Very true words dear friend.

"Love is blind"

I think this is the most important thing when we talk about love. In most of the occasions "we fall in love without wanting to," is a feeling so powerful that it makes us change, it makes us mature and focus. He is present in the family, in our friendships and in that special person.

Te apuesto que si amas a alguien, darías todo por ellos y sentirías mucho dolor por esa persona, porque esa es la cantidad de amor que también tienes en ti por ellos.

You are right in saying that it is painful, as I mentioned before it is such a powerful force that it unbalances our mood ... When our love belongs to someone else, we feel a lot of pain knowing that she is going through difficult situations and that is when usually we care.