in #love7 years ago

When one loves, he does everything to please who he loves. One of the major aspect of a lover is his attitude towards who he loves. It's important to note that the physical manifestation of love centers around behavior towards each other, especially in giving oneself to the other person in total submission and selflessness. This is true for both human and Divine relationships. God expect us to love Him because He loves us, He expect us to love others the way we love ourselves.


Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;
1 Corinthians13:5

There's no self seeking in love. It should never be about us, but about the person we love. Jesus demonstrated this in His love for the church, giving us a beautiful standard to fall back on. Whenever we seek to please ourselves in love, we frustrate the beauty of it and at the end we are faced with unfulfillment. Love is designed to be sacrificial. We must concentrate on giving without living in fear of unacceptance. We must refuse to consider what we stand to gain.


A lover is not easily provoked by his lover or matters that has to do with who he loves. Supposed Jesus got provoked by the torture on the cross, the whole creation would be doomed by now. But instead he prayed for our forgiveness. That's the beautiful expression of love. When we get easily angry with someone we love, it shows that we are self-centered, selfish and self seeking. The anger is a sign that our hearts is not buried in it yet. For wherever our hearts is, we seek to nurture.


Love is also expressed in thinking good about who we love. This good thinking is seen in the choice of words we use to communicate to each other, for in the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks (Matthew 12:34). A genuine lover thinks about how to please, support and encourage his lover at all times, without considering if the other person would do same.


No matter the kind of love we operate, whether the one for God or man, the same principles apply. Love is Divine and everything we do in love must follow Divine principles for it to work. Just as we can't use sand to power an automobile, we can't use our ideas or human philosophies to drive love to a fulfilling destination. If we do it the way God designed it, we will be fulfilled in it.



Thanks for spreading love through this post. I enjoyed reading it. God bless

Amen. Bless you too

thats a great thought shared by you. our deeds should be based on this emotion and the life will be great. i have shared some thoughts as well in my new blog please have look

Okay. Thanks

Love is a beautiful thing if we found the good person to live with it this love

Sure. Thanks for your comment