I'm almost 33, Alice, which could be considered old by your terms. I met my current wife when I was 20 and I've been with her ever since. However, we only married when we were 27.
You know what? Marriage doesn't change anything in a relationship. It's just a legal binding - you can be in love with a person and spend a lifetime with them without being married. Simply marrying somebody doesn't mean that you love them more or they love you more or anything.
But if you do get married, make sure you are ready for this. Make sure you can stand up to living with that person 24/7. Because getting OUT of a marriage is more difficult than getting in :)
My take? You're still way too young to consider getting married. Spend a few more years with your current partner, maybe experience moving together if you haven't done so already. I'd say that only after living with somebody for one year, under the same roof, you'll know if you are are ready or not for the next step :)
I like your country, it does not care about not being married and living together in the house. In a country as backward as my country, people only allow to live together when married ... You love someone 7 years and married? I admire you very much! Your love is enormous!
I'm from a sh**y country as well, so I totally understand what you're saying. Sometimes, you just have to ignore what others say and believe and do what is best for you. Countries and mentalities won't change unless people change... sometimes one at a time. Good luck though with your choice, let's hope you'll make the best choice no matter what it will be.