Are you ready to change your life at an angle of 180% for the better and better

in #love7 years ago

15 things that if you can give up, will make your life a lot easier, and much happier than before ... Sometimes, without knowing, we stick to a lot of things that cause us a lot of tension, pain and suffering. Instead of letting these things go all, instead of allowing ourselves to be stress free and happy. Not anymore .. From today we will abandon all those things that no longer serve us any purpose and we will accept change. are you ready .. ? Let's Begin... 1. Give up your need to always be right: There are many of us who can not bear the idea that they are making mistakes. They hold on to their opinions even if they are wrong, even if the result is the loss of our best friends or ending a close relationship with others. Even if our opinion is too much tension for us and others. The question is not worth it .. Whenever you feel yourself "insist" you need to jump into a fight about who is right and who is wrong, ask yourself this question: "Did I insist on being right, or better to be compassionate and tolerant? .. Says: "Wayne Dyer": What is really difference if you are wrong or right !! Is the ego "Grourk" great for this degree ..? 2. Give up your need for control: Be willing to give up your need to always control everything that happens to you and your surroundings - events, people, whether they are close friends or co-workers, or just strangers you meet on the street - allow them to be themselves and not impose your style of talking or behavior. I allow everything and everyone to be as it is, and we will see how it will make you feel comfortable and feel much better. "I leave the world as it is .. It is the owners of the world who left the world and the same .. But when repeated try to catch up with the world .. will certainly fail" wise - "Lao Tzu" .. 3. Give up blame: Give up your need to blame others just because you own the things you own first or what you feel. Stop giving your strength to others and start taking responsibility for your life. 4. Abandon the self-destructive ideas emanating from your mind: How many people are hurting themselves because of their defeatist mentality and self-negative and self-polluting thoughts? Do not believe all that your mind says about you, especially if the speech is negative and underestimates your self .. You are better than you think .. Leave negative views and toss behind your back .. "Mind is a wonderful tool if used wisely ... but the same tool becomes a tool of destruction and chaos if used wrongly." - "Eckhart Toll" 5. Abandon the narrow boundaries you have drawn from yourself: Yes, give up your narrow idea of ​​what you can do or not, about what is possible or impossible. From now on, you will no longer allow your narrow beliefs about your ability to limit your strength and keep you stuck in the wrong place. "Belief is not an idea carried by the mind, but the idea is bearing the mind" 6. Abandoning the complaint: Give up your constant need to complain about those many things, people, situations and events that make you unhappy, sad or depressed .. No one can make you happy, no situation can make you sad or miserable unless you are the one who allows it .. It is not situations that trigger those feelings that you feel. But how you choose to look at those situations is what triggers your feelings that you do not want. Do not underestimate the power of positive thinking. 7. Give up criticism: We all want to be happy, we all want to love and love and we all want to have two concepts. We all want to be happy, we all want to have two concepts. Of others .. We all want things in this world, and we hope and dream .. 7. Giving up your need to please others: Give up your desperate attempt to become someone else to please others. This method is impractical and will not only lead to exhaustion and loss of your self. The moment you stop trying so hard and hard to be someone else .. The moment you take off all the masks, Accept yourself as it is and embrace your true self with all satisfaction and love, you will find people automatically attracted to you .. They will love you as you are and what you are. . 8. Giving up resistance to change: Change is good and positive. Change will help you move from one stage to another. Change will help you make improvements in your life, as well as life around you .. Follow your own bliss, accept change - do not resist it .. "Follow your bliss, and the universe will open its doors to you where there were walls Only "Joseph Campbell 9. Abandoning Classifications: Give up your constant need to classify things, people or events that you do not understand as strange or different, and try to open your mind, bit by bit. The mind only works when it is open .. Open your mind .. I understand .. "The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you do not know about anything." Wayne Dyer

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I am not sure if you're looking for criticism but I think you can make this post more organized so that the topics are easily outlined. Great post nonetheless! Did you use different sources for this or are these your own thoughts?