God's willing, I will be in the garden to share all these beautiful experiences with you, what a life worth living, what a way of living worth envying... Though, I'm still some steps far from actualizing that dream, but I'm feeling at home already.... Smiles
I am a farmer too, so I can easily relate with everything you shared and I think I have a role to play in making the garden more habitable for all.
I really love what I'm seeing ♡♡♡♡♡♡
It's amazing that you can feel us on such a deep level having never met us or even being in close proximity. What a blessing for us all to be connected and for the possibility of greatness to unfold for us all!
I pray we share our connection together in close proximity one of this days, it would be a great.
True that!! May we be in alignment with such greatness!
💗 💗 💗