in #love6 years ago


Definitely being rich only would not make you happy, but it is capable of solving 90 per cent of your personal problems completely.

There is a popular saying that WEALTH breeds WEALTH, and this is very true, and also a fact.

Wealth is indeed a secret mindset the Rich teach their kids and hand over to them the keys to financial success from generations to generations; in order to help their offspring develop very good financial habits that will definitely make them rich and ever rich in this ever changing world of gross uncertainty. And some of this secrets are;-


Children of the Rich plays sport like golf, tennis or other sports loved by very powerful people, in order to have better networking opportunities than normal kids who participate in more activities like basketball or baseball, which are normal popular sports with the general public.

The fact is connections and more deals are done on golf courts than any of those footy fields, because sports like golf etc are dominated by mostly wealthy families. Therefore the connections these children of The Wealthy make in those sports are always substantial.


One must be willing to sacrifice time, sleep and leisure in order to build something great and worthwhile. While your friends and acquitances are out having fun and enjoying themselves, you must instead be working.

Always surround yourself with people of value, and ensure your pals are having rich mindset, because this exposes you more to their heightened level of awareness to everything related to wealth building and sustaining.


Excessive spending will surely ruin you, no matter what you earn as income. So I implore you to avoid that trap.

It is great to spend money actually, but never ever over spend in the process of spending because that will put you on a constant treadmill of having and not having money. This is not cool you know.


The secret to accummulating wealth is simple, and it is simply solving problems because solving problems makes money.

It should be noted that being rich won't guaranty you happiness, but it surely will solve at least 90 per cent of your problems in life.

You know what......? If you really want to be rich, ensure to solve a problem. If you want to be overtly very wealthy, ensure to solve a bigger problem. And the entire world will gladly turn over their earned money to you. Smiles.


What is your life vision? You have really got to have a vision in order to succeed in life and accummulate wealth. Be a motivator encouraging people fast-forwarding their aimed dreams to a future in which they have achieved all their goals in live, and are feeling happy and prosperous.

*This majorly is premised on the fact that people do not actually get things that they want but rather get things based on how the acquired things will make them feel.


The children of the Rich are taught from infancy on, on how and why to think big. Success is deliberate and every rich person you see today expected to be rich at one point or another in their lives.

One is got to reject the mediocre belief that money is a scarce resource. The true which is a fact is that It is not.

What you need to master is the act of being the solutions that others want to buy, and that my dear readers; is very scarce.

Just know that earning money is based on solving problems, and therefore it is a known fact that the number of problems is infinite, which means one ability to earn money is also infinite.

So keep steeming dear friends! Always know I love you genuinely. Thanks for stopping by my blog and taking out time to read also. Cheers and stay blessed.


Money and its acquisition is about the knowledge you state above as well as attitude that nobody owes you anything. If you want it you need to figure out a way to get it. Very few stupid people are rich. They wait until after they get it to then get stupid sometimes : )