How to become a good wife?

in #love8 years ago (edited)

 Hello, today we will try to be a good wife for his beloved. Tell  me, what woman does not want a girl does not dream about making it a  favorite and native people believed that it is the best in the whole  wide world? Of course, not all the lovely ladies do it, although it is not as difficult as many believe. You will need a few simple rules of behavior, a couple of magical phrases and a happy and lasting marriage, it will be provided.
One of the most important conditions for a happy marriage - is the ability and willingness to negotiate with your partner. Let your man an opportunity to make greater decisions. Sometimes go to concessions, this is a very important feature in maintaining good relations. In addition, try to clearly and concretely express their desires. As we all know that men and women think very differently - not worth the husband beat the gift of clairvoyance. It is a pity that many women feel "if he loves me, and guess myself." As  psychologists have found out - the man is easier to perform specific  tasks, rather than spend time and energy on solving puzzles, some of  your desires, which you yourself do not fully understand. Express your desires clear and simple man, and you can get a bonus if their performance.
Another quality that can distinguish the good wife - loyal to the habits, preferences are a man. Try  to take these habits and preferences, and if absolutely does not go, do  not make fun of her husband, not a "Saw" on his part - offer something  different that would fit the two of you. Here also should show their ability to negotiate, and clearly present their desires. But in the form of insults, and at a normal level equal ratios. Dear women do not hammer to love yourself! After all, the only truly loving ourselves woman can beat a very happy  and give this happiness to their relatives, friends and loved ones.

I  think that the most important secret respected and loving wife of her  husband may be in two simple, but magical phrase: "Yes, dear. Whatever you say, darling. " And it's not a mockery, and no it does not joke. I can say with confidence - these phrases work wonders. The husband will be satisfied and happy, and you will become for him the most wise, understanding, and a good wife.