Let love free
(the wisest art)
---original poetry---Alive in the glory of the heart,
Pyric with shared affection–
May you never die.
First let me die, left to drown
In the overwhelm of your perfection.
Such a death is truest life;
Such a life, death to feeblest lie.
Misunderstandings scatter,
The blue smoke of burnt seed;
Ethereal scarecrow ~ Vicious ghast
Dissolve - Begone - Berating gloom
Disassume - Bereaved - Gestating smog
I banish ye - I summon hope–
My friends, my loves,
My summer slope.
O scalding sun!
The soul to glaze:
Bright potter, fire me true, I pray
To scuplt - to swell - in fine array
To scribe - to slake - my longing pain
I yearn - such anguish in beauty lain
My loves, again, come now, depart.
To let love free, the bitt'rest, yes–
Yet sweet and wisest art.
Written by
Photos arePublic domain,
edited by @d-pend

Wow, beach, sea, shelves...It is said that the love in material world is poor reflection of the real love in spiritual world...Is the same like the shadow of a person standing on the seaside...The shadow of the person in the water looks like the real one but is only poor reflection...Unfortunately, what we have in Material world is only lust...If we stop serve our senses and we start serving The Real Cause of All Causes, then Real love will be possible.
Don Miguel Ruiz says: "There are only 2 ways. Way of Love & Way of fear and if we don't learn to love then the relationship will be like the relationship between Addict & Drugdealer".
Wow @tatjanastan I bet you're a book worm. Like myself. Anyhow I love the sea and for me heartbreaks heal faster by having those reflection at the seaside.
If You Love Someone, Set Them Free. If They Come Back They’re Yours
Love that, @mrsfox :-)
they will never go away if they're Yours-)
Hahaha in my country they have a funny reply to this beautiful poem -we say in a joke if they come back no one wants them so don't take them back @mrsfox
"if they don't, they never were"
Wow the irony and the antithesis filled in this verse is so beautiful, having death and life in one line is a testament of your poetic skills, this is beautiful.
Life and death - they are always intertwined, until resolved into that which is beyond them both.
Thank you @josediccus. Have a great one!
Sweet and wise art, you are a master for all the nuances and rhythms.
I would like you to show me some moments to write better, more perfect - you are a genius for poetry my honest friend @d-pend
@dobartim I would love to connect with you on some chat, do you use discord, steemit chat or skype? I remember you asked about post formatting too. I will be traveling the next few days, but sometime next week that is convenient for you, shall we discuss?
I'll be glad, my username on skype is - dobartim
Love burns fiercely in our heart (I like how you say it is 'Pyric with shared affection') and if the loved one departs, a pain that is equally intense is experienced. Sublimely worded in your poem. Thanks for sharing. Voted full through Steemfollower.@d-pend -

So very true @d-pend and wise indeed. Love is an art, living is an art - both should be cultivated constructively, especially love because once you learn to love, you've learned to live. You are very talented with diction. Thank you for sharing!
Love is never about ownership or control. If it is not about freedom, it is not love. Great post.
Exactly. Hope your New Year is off to a great start @innerstellar :o)
Thank you @d-pend. I hope yours is as well. I am so grateful to you for making me aware of this platform. I am starting to get the hang of it now. xo
Such a great poetry!
And once again thank you very much for helping him when he was in trouble! All the best from Stancovic family (brother and nephew of @dobartim)
Hi @life.time very good to meet another part of the family, @dobartim has been a big influence on me; I have so much respect for his work ethic, endless creativity, and all the ways he helps people. Congratulations on beginning your Steemit journey. I hope you enjoy your time here!
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It is a joy to read your work. I am captured by the second verse, something inside me yearns for that truest of deaths, divine life. Your poetry calls me to that place. Thank you!
"Let Love Free." Reminds me of, "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear." When you let love free, there is no fear.
Dreamingly inspiring post!
"Love hurts. But the glory shines like the sun although sometimes we get a sunburn...." I think Tennyson said that. JK
perfecto, this is actually classic..if you love someone, you free them...freedom is the loudest word spoken to love and the perfect action demonstrated in love...thank you..
My love for seeking the truth has taken some of the magic of love away, but its still one of the most powerful stimlui
@d-pend this is so touching. I'm beginning to love poetry I made three in a row. If you have time check one
Beautiful love poem thanks for sharing
Lovely poem. Thanks for sharing @d-pend!!!
Love must rule the world
Beautiful love poem
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