The Worship of knowledge

in #love7 years ago (edited)

The Worship of "Knowledge"

Escaping moral obligations

Hello friend, I don't know what to title this text, but i want have a little talk about the world, and simultaneously remind everyone to listen to the moral compass within, when times gets rough and decision making hard.

I would like to start by sharing a view of the world, a view were we worship knowledge far beyond rational explanations.

A world where the word nothing has been attributed the creation of everything.
A world where money and greed steer us towards an uncertain future.
A world where we run from moral obligations and our true selves.



Why does the western world assume that science, engineering and the applications it can bring contains any proof of anything?

This might be a big statement, but technology is everywhere in the form of applications, simultaneously as we constantly are told that everything is figured out by science, so this statement is valid, I would say.

We are thought that science is the logical school, the rational one, not to be questioned, and many just stop by thinking:

“Just look at what it brings us, TV´s mars landings and genetic engineering that saving lives, amazing, they must have it all figured out”

Sure, We can model light and electrons as properties of certain magnitudes, and thereby control the wave lengths of e.g photons. With this model we can manipulate the colors we see, resulting in applications like the television, a simple machine. This particular model or description of the phenomena will never correspond to reality a 100% nor be 100% accurate, and new theories will always replace the old. They are and always will be flawed, incomplete in their abilities to describe reality.

This ability to entertain, does not mean that science knows what light and electrons is, we just have a model that works inside certain limits. We are able to manipulate the model, also inside certain limits, which leads numerous usable applications world over. This is the sole purpose of science, to create a theory that leads to applications, not question how the theory relates to reality, we are not trained that way.
Two different things could be the same, with many properties, we merely name them different things and apply them in different machines by manipulating one propriety at a time. This has given rise to the 1000 different formulas within the different fields of science, some of which are believed by their users to represent reality and some of which are far far beyond what humans can comprehend.

"Shut up and calculate"



These applications are sadly here to be consumed, to entertain, promote dwelling, and corporate gain. They hold no truth or deeper meaning for humanity.

The applications replaces our true needs of community and broader spectra of human interactions. Today we want fast cars, power over others and new technology, not true free time, neither insight in ourselves and others. It automatically masks the meaning of life and our origin, by hindering questioning, and these are things that science can't truly address.

Ever since the Dark ages, we have used observations to formulate theories, and now by reinforcing them mathematically and experimentally, we have come to the grand conclusion of "nothing created everything" which is profoundly impossible both mathematically and philosophically.

How could you model nothing? How could it evolve into something? What would the algorithm look like?

0 = everything

Impossible to even imagine such formulations.

The 0 doesn't exist, it has no context for it to be placed in. The concept of nothing, can it even be philosophically understood? Not emptiness, void or the lack of matter since it implies existence in regard to that, no I mean true nothingness.


Our creator according to many in modern society

Any sane human would argue that a car cannot exist without an intelligent creator, still DNA or the universe it self sure can pop into existence from NOTHING, and I would regard this as the downfall of all common sense.

Not a single time during 3000 years of documented history has something manifested out of nothing, this is simply impossible.

Any sane human would argue that an explosion needs a cause, like an compound, and that it will create chaos, disorder, and never order when it goes of. Still we accept that one certain explosion does not need an explosive compound, no cause at all, and that it creates perfect order when it goes of. The big bang, this is the death of all logical reasoning along with critical thinking.


Modern day creation story, not so strange that we like bombs after all :)


Entertainment and media brings this view upon us, shows like the universe and cartoons for kids reinforce a certain type of agenda, where its all about us, the ego, the center of the universe. It's about competition and being the best and about fitting in to a profoundly sick world, at our best capacity in the short pointless life the universe coincidentally spat out.

Why do many citizens in the western world assume that just because medicine can treat cancer, we know the origin of life?

I can assure you that we have no clue what started life or how but we can speculate pretty good. The entire industry of medicine and biology do not know what some of the common compounds like everyday painkillers does, just that it prevents pain via a "proposed mechanism" and that the side effects seem tolerable, after all the usage and trails.

But we neither question or care about this, just place our faith in what ever medical "knowledge" puts in our way and, choke down the prescriptions before moving on.


More then 1/100 suffers headaches from pills taken against headaches and 30% suffers stomach or gut problems from certain ibuprofen types....Oh and the side effects called "More common" are:


Side effects

Abdominal pain,acid or sour stomach,belching,bloating, cloudy urine, decrease in amount of urine, decrease in urine, output or decrease in urine-concentrating ability, diarrhea, difficulty having a bowel movement (stool), excess air or gas in stomach or intestines, full feeling, heartburn, indigestion, itching skin, pain or discomfort in chest, upper stomach, or throat, pale skin, passing gas,nausea, noisy, rattling breathing, rash with flat lesions or small raised lesions on the skin
shortness of breath, swelling of face, fingers, hands, feet, lower legs, or ankles, troubled breathing at rest, troubled breathing with exertion, unusual bleeding or bruising, unusual tiredness or weakness, vomiting, weight gain

Simply put, the massive faith the western world places in science,politics and law is misplaced.

It was written or instigated for the purpose of control, all of it. Sure we can invent this and that but when it comes to explaining our purpose, the PURPOSE of life, or the origin of existence, there is nothing we can do. We leave out what gives rise to the reality we see, the hallucination in our brain.

No one knows what generates consciousness and thereby the reality, only that we hallucinate it in our brain, and try to solve questions by cracking the hallucination in the brain to pieces. The problem is that the brain and everything else we know is in the hallucination, so is the model of cellular life, model of atoms, theories of big bang and evolution.

What gives rise to the hallucination, containing the brain, your egoistic self, and the world, in it, we fail to ask. We know that there is a time delay between cause, and for the interpretation of that cause to form a conscious idea of what happened. The idea is not the real cause, e.g light shining in your eyes as you watch the sun. That's the hallucination, happening later in time, compared to what really went down. You simply backwards rationalize yourself into existence, based on prior experience, ideas and thoughts.
We convince or selves that there is a future and past simply because it´s required in order to exist here and now, which we might not even do!

How can the "inner universe" of consciousness be explained in terms of mere biology and physics? Anil Seth explores the brain basis of consciousness and self



--->Amazing Ted talk by Cognitive neuroscientisct Anil Seth<---

Do not miss this information, it is essential to know in order to understanding many personal miss conceptions about the world, I´d say

Your identity needs time and space, it needs a future and a past to exist here and now, this is why questioning the linear time is hard. Questioning once origin is even harder, since it directly leads to questioning the basic premises of the entire hallucination.

If we now chose to ignore this fact and move on, will this even bring about happiness?

Well no, it simply won´t.

Happiness are getting more and more rare as we work full time and worship our selves, technology and lies with all of our energy.

Medicine against depression is still in a steep rising trend, only makes it worse, some medicines are forcing depressed patients to enter into heavy addictions, almost impossible to break without help. It numbs patients to the point were they feel nothing and are hardly capable of caring for them selves. These "highway to happiness" pills is now becoming a major cause of death as well, especially at the heart of this sick society that is the western world...USA & Europe.


Big pharma loves uss


Again,all that the applications from technology does in everyday life is make us forget to think and question. All the theories just makes us certain that life is a pointless coincidence, which is constantly reinforced by the corrupt mainstream media.

Back to the question, why, when or how did it go wrong?

From my own perspective i can't remember ever questioning anything scientific growing up in the 90´s. Thinking back to age 5, I had a globe earth next to the bed, I loved dinosaurs and was already familiar with the evolution, in a childish way, accepting it.

Starting school at age 7, I simply learned to talk and count simultaneously as I was having my believes reinforced. There was a monkey turning into a man on the wall, god was already being laughed at by the modern era of thinkers, who KNEW that they were an cosmic coincidence living out its short duration on a fragile little dot suspended in the wast universe. A prime example of something beyond comprehension is the humongous span attributed to the universe.

It is hard to question what can´t be comprehended

Here we are, unimaginable small, but remember, earth is another factor 1,000,000 smaller then the sun!


At age 13 we were having tests almost every week, seeing how well we knew the political lies, lies about our origin, lies about the universe and lies about what causes of war. I did not know this and I was so burdened with learning everything in my way, that I never could question anything. The few times we question things, we are ignored or corrected so it usually stops early, it is simply not the way things is done any longer.

This made me believe that science had it figured out, that evolution and big bang were proved, this is how it was ALWAYS put forth, no evidence thou only stories, but who knew that?

At the age of 18 i was still skeptical about the non scientific but i had started meditating and searching for the truth a few years back. The start to this for me, was really caused by the circus itself since it just went to far, it went out of bounds of what could ever be rationally explained, what went down that day.

You might have guessed it, it was 9/11, 2001, I was 15 years old and since i liked physics i was simply amazed, how any human could ever believe the media fairy tales CNN & FOX, among others, constantly aired. They were merely trying to force their version down our throats. I was amazed by the total stupidity of the human race, how could we accept this?
Tax money funds war, and now the war is targeting our own soil, by our own government or deep state. I saw first hand how media lied, how humans failed to question stories or see the truth, I saw that money controls everything.

This was obviously a planned demolition project, planned for ages. It was perfectly executed, no questions remaining


Remember remember, the 11th of september. Libery and freedome?


Some even asked why….yeah why would those controlling the US military want to colonize Afghanistan…cough 90% of world cough opium production cough..natural cough resources cough….
An informed & critical thinking mind would have a harder time finding out why they would not want to do this. The wealth of the world is being plundered by VERY FEW.


93% of the world non pharmasutical heroine is produced by Afghanistan and the US military, under threath of violence, classic colonization

Aricle abour Afghan Opium production

I started researching everything only to realise that not even the dinosaurs were proved! They find a t-rex tooth, built the rest from fiction and stuck the tooth away to never be investigated.

Evolution and big bang were merely old ideas failed to every relate to the totality of reality. Fuck even the pictures of earth we grew up with were fake, all fake!


Figure source

The entire modern history, space exploration, medical promises in near future, ancient history, economical & power structures and politics were all a fabricated lie, a simple theatre to keep us from questioning anything and to steal our money at the same time.


It seems that all of modern society is designed for a certain agenda, were humans have turned into cattle. I fail to se the difference between animals used for work and humans without moral and the capacity of questioning information.

The key to victory lies more in manipulation and cooperation than in exceptional personal skills.
Yuval Noah Harari

If we accept that the existence or universe rather, needs a creator like everything else in this reality, but still not accept the moral obligations that come with being a creation, we only run from our self and our true nature. We fear moral and our selves just like cats fear baths. Just like children does not want to accept that there is a dentist, we hope that there is no creator, since that would mean we actually conduct our selves unmorality. We would have to stop living in constant "sin" which means giving up many egoistic pleasures. We would have to stop turning our backs towards poverty and suffering and start sharing, which goes against our egoistic mindsets.



If there was a creator the concept of sin would sure be true in some sense, if we would know right from wrong that is. Luckily we can, with the moral capacity that many acknowledge having. I sure do, but still I haven´t listens to my heart, to the moral within me. I´ve been eating suffering animals at the cost of both animals and starving humans, without ever bothering to care. I´ve lied, stolen and manipulated, without seeing the profound egoism and greed in my self.

The society is merely an reflection of our collective mindset and the only concept of existence that we have left in the western world, is to slave for the ego, all due to the fact that we believed that no other way exists, and media sure does not make it any easier seeing.

Today thou, I would like to tell you that there exists another way, and it simply enough starts by acknowledging that you are a moral being. Accept that everything in existence needs a designer, just like books, cars, and the universe it self and you will see the way, the meaning of life will shine through.



The way of the world will change, as soon as we wake up from our dwelling, and as soon as we start listening to the moral compass within. When we start to treat others with respect, dignity and love for the sake of each other and for the sake the creation it self.
A new era of humanity shall dawn, and remember friends it is always darkest before the dawn, even if it can get much darker still.

Thanks for checking my work out, and I hope that I got to share a bit of my world view here today, comments on this area are very welcome, since I like debating it and I think it is important to address openly.

Peace and love to all sentient beings


Ahh, Grasshopper, so young, They'll get mad at you for pointing it out. Two more things, Did I see ibuprofen major cause of strokes. and I was hoping you would check out Kratom

I am :) And thanks for checking my story out! Yeah those ibuprofens seems lethal yet they are portrayed as 100% safe pills for everyday use vs everything :)

"Very rare (less than 0.01%): Cardiac failure

Frequency not reported: Congestive heart failure, tachycardia, arrhythmia, myocardial infarction, palpitations, vasculitis, sinus bradycardia, angina pectoris, thrombotic events"

I shall take a look at Kratom after I am done with my post on cloning vectors. Maby i could add some other natural compounds in the same post if you have any other suggestions? I like curcumin :)


Curcumin, got it! Very cool

I was just gonna cover Thrombotic events. Before you post again go to steemstats and designate 10 or twenty sbds and it pay off pretty good. I'll get the info if you need

Cool! I ll check steemstats closer some day, I though it was for keeping track on your posts ;)

Love your articles! There is creation, a thought behind everything created.

There sure are, and I find it strange that many, seemingly, have stopped to ask or question the logic behind existence out of "Nothing"

You're very right brother I like this one alot two

Your post was resteemed👍

Buenas noches interesante y real planteamiento. Incluso la religiones, por ejemplo la catolica ha sido manipulada para concentrar poder y dominar a los seguidores. Con la religion han manipulado masas y se han aprovechado de la buena fe, incluso quitandoles dinero a las personas estafandolas, violando derechos y maltratando a muchas personas en nombre de Dios.

Eso es cierto, gracias por leer mi artículo.

Ojalá pudiera desparramar español :) tuve que traducir google :)

Im sorry, but i dont speak english , I also use google to read these publications. Thanks for writing

I really loved this post my friend.
this has been my study for a few years now.
It's eye opening.

Thanks for checking in :) yeah there are some dirty shit going on here!

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Thanks, nice job!

Though totally mind breaking for a simpleton like me, i always love reading your grand thoughts old friend.

Hey! Glad to hear that :) and thanks for checking it out!

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Why did u down vote me? @clausewitz

wrong post :) removed it right away!