in #love7 years ago


Is Our Anniversary Today and Anniversaries are special days, it brings sweetest old memories. Everyone wants to congratulate his/her loved one by a unique way. Every marriage anniversary is a symbol of relationship. Some days are very exceptional by value which need more extra care and actions . We want to express our happy feelings at every wedding anniversary . To wish your loved one happy anniversary is a thing of joy i tell you

Dear Lord

Thank You so much for this day 24th of November
For today we celebrate the fifth wedding anniversary .
Thank You that You are journeying with us.
You are our third thread.
Your life entwines around us
Making us strong and keeping us close.
Lord, forgive us for the times we have failed and hurt each other.
When we have neglected our friendship together.
When we have not put our partners interests and well-being before our own.
We are truly sorry for these times and resolve to live life differently.

On this day we commit ourselves afresh to each other.
To always support, always trust, and always serve our partner.
Dear Lord, come and reignite our love! Inspire our thoughts and fashion our plans!
We are so excited to be married and so thrilled about our future together.
Thank you so very much Lord for the gift of the angels that you have given to us ,we trust in you that we shall always flourish in the mighty name of Jesus ..
The day is here again, I cant’ remember every moment of that day, but I could remember when I first looked at your eyes and the feelings i had after that.. Happy Anniversary Sweetheart!
If I had my life to live over again…next time I would find you sooner so that I could love you longer. Happy Anniversary to us my asampetanwanyiomachukwugirigoziemu.
A happy wife is a happy life
1 year down and forever to go, Happy Anniversary
Thank you Lord. We love You.
A song dedicated to my Angel,the queen of my heart ,my one in zillion and the mother angels





Follow @chuxlouis


Wow. This is beautiful. Happy wedding anniversary, bro. May God continue to put peace and joy in your home.

Amen bros, more blessings to you,thank you so very much.

congratulation ...wish you very happy returns in entire ur life

wishing u more too @iyoti i really appericauite

Congratulations my fellow steemian, you sure do have a wonderful family. My regards to all. Keep steeming.

Thank you so very much @greenrun ...i assure you i will always try my best to keep it steeming hot more blessings to you.

You are most welcome.

more blessings.

Thank you

Awwwwnn. Happy Anniversary

Thanx a million and more blessings.

happy annivesary

Thank you so very much ...More blessings to u

Its great to see your love and affection with each other. Stay blessed and happy, always.
I want to wish both of you many many happy anniversaries,