Thankful to be Alive😍

in #love7 years ago (edited)

I am thankful today to be alive! I opened my eyes to another day so for that I am grateful...


There have been so many hurdles for me lately, one thing after the other... never seeing an ending, yet knowing it'll all work out according to plan, maybe not mine, but "the plan".


Believe it or not, I'm truly starting to think all things done from the way the wind blows to each decision we make is all precise. Each action taken from the day we are able to take our first breaths... calculated.


Over the years in our lives we meet people...some of them teach us something about ourselves; while other times we teach others of themselves. I've learned many things about human nature the biggest of these lessons learned was LOVE.


Do you believe in love at first sight?

Yeah, neither did I, well until 2008. I was working in a grocery store. I had barely just moved to Florida, in search of something bigger than myself. One evening I was scanning the items of a customer and a group of men walk in, I welcome them and go about my scanning. As my customer pays and we say our goodbyes a man, younger than myself, walks over to me and asks is he can leave his bag next to me while he shops...I said of course... this man and I couldn't stop looking at one another, maybe i was just starting too much amazed by such a beautiful being, his green eyes and light skin mesmerizing my soul... and that smile, the smile of a king!


Once he was finished buying his groceries he and the large group that entered the store before him laughed and joked with one another.... encouraging the green eyed king to get my number...I couldn't help myself, i wanted to know him. I needed to know him. So i wrote my number down. He called, he texted, he came by the store. We connected in such a way I truly never thought existed!


He was here, in the USA, on a work visa picking fruits we spoke daily and still had yet to "hang out". He was then sent to New York, seasons change and fruits need picking, so we continued our friendship through text and phone calls.

He called me and told me, "I am being sent back to Jamaica, I leave soon." I was so upset all i wanted was for him to be able to continue living here in the states and one day figure how to make it together. Then he was gone, we still kept in contact but over the years lost touch. There wasn't a moment that passed by over these past 7 years that I didn't see something that reminded me of my wonderful friend.


Yesterday, everything changed and I experienced emotions that had lay dormant for some time...I logged into Facebook (i know ewwe lol) and who is on my friend request list, you guessed it! The green eyed Jamaican king!!! I was so excited to see he found me again after all this time. It was like no time had passed at all and we picked up right where we left off!!! I am excited to say he's finally coming (back) to America!!!! Will this be it? Is this what the plan is? Will our paths finally merge? The questions I have...Does love at first sight even exist?20180721_145322.jpg


all clip art from


Well, this is an interesting development. Keep us posted. :v

it definitely is!!!

Your story made me a lil teary eyed. :) Happy to hear he found you again and you're talking again and he's coming back to the US! What a great story. I hope you get to meet up and have a good time together!
And.. I do believe in love and first sight. I've experienced it at least one time. And it made me think.. I have no say in the matter.. Like I wasn't consciously in my brain thinking of reasons why I liked the person, they were just before me and so amazing that.. I was attracted to them like a magnet or whatever.

These days I try to be more careful with the love at first sight because I realize appearances can be deceptive and I should try to love the things about someone and not the sight of them per se, however.. I think it all kind of.. Mixes together in a sense.. For I had talked to this women and a few of the others for a while before we met and I knew an amount about them already so it wasn't purely "looks".. It was looks + what I knew about them which made it even more powerful.

And.. While I can be attracted physically to someone I know nothing about, I can't fall in love with them like that.. To me anyways.. I think I need to know something about the person before I can fall for them in that sense, however.. I could see how if you met someone for the first time and never talked before, there could be a body language to them that is just.. Nice to be around even if you don't know anything about them.. Maybe there's something deeper going on, maybe you were connected in another lifetime or something and it was just easy for you to connect since you had been together before in another life? I dunno, but I love the story and I hope it works out well for you. :) Thanks for sharing!

Like I wasn't consciously in my brain thinking of reasons why I liked the person, they were just before me and so amazing that.. I was attracted to them like a magnet or whatever.

This was exactly it! Looking back, I was so intrigued by the personality that exuded from his eyes, his smile, his walk... and then we got to know one another on a deeper level not just the visual surface. We helped one another when either had a need even across the distance, it didn't matter.... just nervous now i suppose because i am unsure how it can be the right person at the wrong time,
y' know?!