When You Take Care of Me

in #love6 years ago (edited)

That night there was something strange with my eyes, for some reason but tears always came out. Though not conceded objects any small. I see in the mirror does not look red. It started since I woke up this afternoon. Initially only one eye but now both.

"Abi's eyes why?" Asked my wife, who began to wonder to see her husband intermittently wiping tears.
"I think I have a sore eye, Mi".
"But his eyes are not red" I continued
"The possible flick, Bi?"
I shook my head.
"It started this afternoon, after waking up. Abi's right eye is watering ".
My wife approached as she brought her handkerchief.
"Wear a handkerchief, Bi"
"Thank you, Mi. Abi to the room yes, want to lie down ... "
I hurriedly left the wife who was still struggling with his busy preparing cake orders. So grateful to get a companion like him, the figure of a strong wife and mother. At the age of dusk, still busied himself with cake orders.

While looking at the wall of the room, I remembered the process of ta'aruf first, one of which attracted my attention when reading biography of my future wife. Her hobbies cook. I think that means she's the usual girl in the kitchen.
Before having children, do not think to make his hobby as a family business. As the family's needs grow, then the idea arises. And it's been running since our first child was two years old. It's been almost 27 years. He was willing to sleep late and wake up early, and now it became his daily habit. Like tonight, in our little house, after the kids have their own lives. His old body is still the spirit of his role, faithful like the stars that accompany the night until the dawn of golden eel on the eastern horizon.

After dawn prayers in congregation in the mosque, I just felt something more strange with the area around the face. Feel thick and numb like a tingling. Both eyes have not stopped tears. When I got home, I looked straight into the mirror. Still looks ordinary. However ...
"Mi ..."
"How do lips of Abi kayak that bump. Are there any insects that bite Abi's lips while sleeping last night? "
"Not really, Bi. Abi's lips are normal ah .. "he protested while staring at me.
"What is Abi feeling? But the real nih feels thicker lips. And dry ... "I stopped the sentence, and more focused on looking into the mirror. Something strange again when I will moisten the dry upper lip. My mouth can not be symmetrical. The lower lip can not perfectly close the upper lip. Each time the lower lip will suck the upper lip, which is only the upper lip of the right end. Three to four times I try to suck the upper lip so that the middle part can meet with the middle as well. But nil ... I am confused, why exactly with my body.

"Look Umi look!" I pointed out the position of my strange lips
"Lhoh kok menyon yes Bi?"
"Yes yes?"
"What is a stroke, Bi?" Suddenly the wife's question made me startled.
Am I really stroke? Astaghfirullaah .. I murmured to myself
"Let's go to the doctor later, yes," my wife said
"Ummi take the first order of the cake or ..."
"Or what, Mi?" I asked curiously. Why the sentence is not resolved.
"Um, Bi .. Ummi is just thinking of alternative medicine" he replied
"Ummi mean?"
"The point is later try Ummi ask the neighbors who used to sell herbal medicines. Many are healed with herbs, Bi "
"Yeah, Abi thinks that too," I said, wiping away the tears that kept coming out.
"But still, Abi should consult a doctor first. Let more clear why, Bi "
"Yes, Mi"
"Yeah, then Ummi wants to fly first, drop off the order. Abi break it yes "

Not even my wife moved from where he stood, in front of the sound of a motorcycle stopped.
"Whose motor, Mi?"
"I do not know, Bi. Ummi does not agree with anyone. Ummi briefly look ahead "

From inside I listen to my wife's conversation with the person who just came. It turned out to be one of the bakers. Apparently he did not have the heart to let my elderly wife take the cake home. Yet not so far. Alhamdulillah, early in the morning Allah has facilitated sustenance for us. Recently the door to the house closed after the buyer who was gone, there is another motor voice that came. I see through the curtains of the bedroom window facing directly toward the fence of the house. There's Hilmy, our second child coming.

"Bi, this is Hilmy coming!" The wife's voice half shouted. I was soon to see him.
"Assalaamu'alaikum, Bi" said Hilmy. He reached for my right hand to kiss him.
"Wa'alaikumussalaam ... How are you, son? Come alone? "
"Alhamdulillaah we are a good family, Bi".
"From last night I do not know why Ummi suddenly miss the same Abi, so now come. Umminya can not participate earlier, because Aisy still bobo ".

Hilmy did not live far from home. Only about 1 kilometer away. While three other brothers, live outside the city. Our oldest child Hawwa even lives in Turkey. Received a scholarship at one of the Islamic universities there and at the will of God he was proposed by the youth of Turkey.

My wife emerges from the kitchen. In his hand was a tray with three cups of tea and a plate of cakes.
"It seems to be an inner contact, Bi ... God told Hilmy with a sense of miss, let her know that her abian is unwell" My wife's jokes coming from behind brought us two glasses of hot tea and a plate of homemade cakes. Hearing that, Hilmy immediately looked at me.
"Abi is not healthy? Why Bi? But last time Abi body shackage is not rich that fever really "Hilmy asked curious
"Just watch if your smile, kid ..." replied by his mother. While I was silent.
"Why is Mi? Do not make people worry dong, Mi "
"Ummi the same Abi also do not know what Abi sick. Just want to see a doctor later somewhat siangan. From the afternoon yesterday Abi's eyes constantly watering. His mouth is numb and like a smile when he smiles "wife pauses. Thrusting sweet tea to his tired-looking son.
"Have a cup of tea, son. While still warm "
Hilmy took the glass in front of her.
"Is it possible that your Abi is in a stroke?"
Hearing it almost, Hilmy choked. He did not want to. Drink the warm tea he has taken. His eyes looked at me so sharply. I see anger drawn on Hilmy's face. He looked at me and then rose from his seat and approached my sitting position.

"Quiet aja ya Bi, do not have a bad think-bad. Abi know better, how should we behave when given time to sick "he said wisely. It's like repeating the words I often say when the kids are sick.
"I'll be here at eight o'clock. Let me the inter Abi to the doctor ya Mi "
"Loh ... you're still working today, son?" Ask the mother
Hilmy shook her head with a smile.
"I'll get permission to my boss, today I'm ready for the big general to the doctor" his talent
We all laughed. This child's sense of humor is the highest. But also the most emotional.

It feels great to be noticed a child at this age who has been waiting for this time. How sick they are abandoned their children precisely when parents are getting older. And not so little in this country. How grateful I am for all this.

Still remember when the child is still in the womb, I try to always standby for their sake. Accompanying their birth. Gives the first hug on their birth. And when they are sick, though there is not much I can do, but I always accompany my wife to stay up, take her in her arms when she cries. Or when they have school, I also always give time to be able to accompany them. Take them to school, all while working. Spend Saturdays and Sundays to be able to witness every flower of their growth.

Yes ... It all comes back to us as parents. What we are seedling surely that's what we will learn the result. How children treat us, also depends on how they were treated by their parents.