On my name

in #love7 years ago

On my behalf the wind was finished blowing, in the poems and lonely life divorced his wings. I am a flawless, beautiful-faced, ideal-faced girl. My goal is to become a famous designer. My name is Anita Rosalia, and my name is Alia stands for my long name. I'm a girl almost 15 years away. My Hobbies are Online and draw clothes designs. I went to SMAN 1 Bandung, exactly in class X1.

At school, I entered the Intra School Organization (OSIS). I also took extracurricular Painting with my best friend, Dian. Every Saturday afternoon we went to painting class. As I was painting, a whisper came from outside the window. Then I heard someone call me from behind the window, it turns out he is my sister class. His name is kak Aldi.

"You Alia, is not it?" Asked kak Aldi.
"Yes kak, why?" I replied while asking back.
"Can ask for his hp phone number?" Kak aldi asked again while holding his BB phone.
"What is it for kak? Lia baseball hp kak "I reply lie.
"You want to keep the data of the members of the OSIS deck. What is the number? "Asked kak Aldi again.
"Oooh .. so yes kak. Record yes, 0853 2706 1996. "
"Okey .. thanks yes deck" said kak Aldi.
Then kak Aldi left, and I also continued my abstract painting. After finished painting lessons, Dian and I went to the cafeteria to fill the stomach.

Kwek .. kweek .. kwekk .. kweek .. ringing messages in my handphone.
Then I open the message, a message from an unknown number "Again eat ya lia?"
Then I reply to this unfamiliar message.
"Who are you?" I asked.
A few seconds later, another message appears from the number that was "Love ya know baseball yaaa ..."
I most resent if there is a new number that came in my hp, continue to send messages that baseball important. Then I continue my meal, and turn off my phone.
"What's up Li? his face really bend so "Tanya Dian.
"It's sending a message, but baseball knows from whom" I replied with a sullen face.
"Do not ladenin deh, just eat it. Ntar keselek lo .. "Dian said laughingly.

After eating, Dian and I went home. Along the way to the house, I thought about that strange, unknown number. I wonder who sent that message to my phone. I just remembered that kak Aldi asked for my handphone number.
"Maybe this number kak Aldi" I said to myself while staring at my mobile screen.
Titt ... titt .. tit ... my handphone vibrates, shocks me and releases it from my hand.
Then I took my phone that fell under the car seat. And immediately picked up the phone from the foreign number.
"Hello! Who is this? "I asked.
"Haloo .. may acquaintance baseball Lia" said this stranger.
"Yes, you can. Who are you? "I asked once more.
"I'm Rayan. Sorry if I bother you. Where are you again Li? "Asked this stranger.
"What is Rayan .. Rayan?"
"I'm your class brother, I'm his friend Aldi" explained the stranger.
"Oh .. kak Rayan no need what ya?" I asked back as he entered the house.
Tut .. tut..tut ... then our conversation broke off, "may kak kak rayan out" I thought.

Then I took off my shoes, and went straight to the bathroom. I then washed my feet and hands and proceeded to change my clothes. After I finished dressing, I took a nap.

Kweeek .. kweek ..
I woke up to hear the ringing of messages from my phone. Then I found Dian fiddling with my handphone. Then I took my hpku by force, and Dian just laughed. It turns out the message is from TELKOMSEL. And I hope the incoming message from kak Rayan.

Hours show at 19:00 pm, Dian invites me to go out tonight. Because my parents are out of town anymore, so I feel free to leave the house. Dian took me to one of Dian Pelangi's boutiques. I'm so glad to stop by this boutique, I'm looking for the clothes I'm going to wear for my 15th birthday party next week. After getting it, Dian and I went home.

Tonight, Dian stayed at my house. But indeed every night Sunday night stay in my house, and only tonight we dare to come out of the house together. As I was exhausted walking around, Dian and I gradually slept.

Kring .. kring ...
The sound of Dian's bell bell from the front of the house. Then I got up, and went straight to the bathroom. After that I changed my nightgown, and immediately took the bike behind the house.
Then Dian and I went around my home complex on bicycles. Apparently behind us there kak Aldi and his friends also play bikes. Because I was tired, Dian and I stopped to rest in a flower garden and shady trees that are in the area of ​​my house complex. Then one of Aldi's friends approached us, and handed me a bottle of mineral water.
"Here's a drink, you look really tired" said friend Aldi kak.
"Thank you yes, who are you?" I asked my friend kak aldi.
Then friend kak aldi smiled. I'm more curious, why he just smiled.
"Do not be too thoughtful, drink it first" said this strange guy.
Then I drank it, I'm still very curious. Actually who is this cool guy who is next to me. Then Dian grabbed my drink, and I almost choked at her.
"Sorry Li, we can not accept something from an unknown person" said Dian who immediately throw away his drink.
Then this stranger gave me a rag to wipe the spilled water around my lips. And I refused,
"What do you really want?" I asked irritably.
"I just want to be your friend kok, dek .." Answer the guy,
Dian and I immediately fell silent. Then this strange guy continued his words ..
"Name of Rayan's sister. Brother who contacted Lia yesterday "he said.
"Oh ... kak Rayan," I replied with a smile.

Suddenly Dian took me home, then kak Rayan drove us to my house.
"Do not stop by kak?" I invite.
"Sometime deh, brother go home first yes" said kak Rayan.
"Be careful on the way," I said, smiling.
Then we put the bike into the trunk of the car. After that, I and dian entered the house and immediately cleaned and refreshed myself.

Kukkuruyuuukk ...
my alarm went off. Hours show at 06.00 pm. Then I woke up, and rushed to the bathroom. After a tidy school uniform, I went out to the dining room. It turned out that Dian was waiting for me at the dinner table.
"Waahh .. Beautiful lady just woke up huh?" Dian teased.
I just smiled and sat down. Then Mom came out of her room.
"Eh .. mama was already come yes. When did it come? "I asked Mom.
"Last night dear, about eight o'clock. Mama to your room but it turns out you've bobok .. "said mama.
"Yeah ya bu, Alia if baseball is no mother really sleeping" said Dian.
"Yeah, I'm going to go fast, I'm late." Mom said.

Then Dian and I went to school. I studied as usual in school. When the break, kak Rayan to my class. He asked me to go to the cafeteria with him while eating fried noodles. Apparently kak Rayan also prefer to eat fried noodles rather than boiled noodles, just like me.

Incoming bell goes, "3 times" It turns out this day came home fast, all the students shouting excited, not least me. Then I hurriedly stuffed books and other equipment into my backpack. Apparently kak rayan was waiting for me in front of the class, she took me home with her. Then he invited me to stop by his cafe.
"Want to drink what Li?" Asked kak Rayan.
"It's up to my sister" I replied embarrassed.
Then kak Rayan brought me a glass of orange juice with brown toast cake and durian. This is all my favorite food, I wonder where kak Rayan knows all this.
"Please enjoy the beautiful dedek" said kak Rayan.
"Where do you know my favorite food?" I asked.
"Hahaha .." Kak Rayan just laughed.
Then I enjoyed the dish that kak Rayan served me.

Counted about 3 times a week kak Rayan invited me to come and eat free at his cafenya. I feel reluctant, because too much is done kak Rayan for me. And when my 15th birthday she took care of everything, because my birthday party is celebrated at kak Rayan's cafe.

September 21, 2011, precisely in the anniversary Kak Rayan. this time turns, I am giving a surprise to Kak Rayan and finally the surprise successfully. then Kak Rayan take me to stand in front of the company or customers Cafe. then Kak Rayan singing voice Kak Rayan cool. after singing, Kak Rayan stated his love to me. I am confused, if I also love Kak Rayan. I and Kak Rayan new know a few months. as soon as is this love it grow? "Anita Rosalia, do you want so girlfriend me?" asked Kak Rayan. "Yes, I want to Kak" I replied. then everyone in the Cafe applauded. they turned out to feel the happiness of US. day ever lonely already filled by laughter given Kak Rayan, where the days ago my left, and make day passed so meaningful. on behalf of silence, the entire life has been together. almost a year I dating Kak Rayan, all I went through together. few days before the anniversary, Kak Rayan call me. "Hello fact sheet .." said Kak Rayan. "Hello Tor, sound brother why changed so?" I asked. "sister again pain, just this again break at home." "what is wrong sister? alia to home brother Yes" I said. "Yes, bawain fried noodles cuisine adek Yes" said Kak Rayan. "okay boss! 20 minutes until there" I replied laughing. Tut .. Tut .. tutt .. phone his disconnected, this is one of the habit of Kak Rayan the baseball never miss. I and Kak Rayan even had a chance to the end, since Kak Rayan always like this and the like to make upset. and then feedback again, as Kak Rayan baseball want to separate from me, hihihiii ... 15 minutes later, I rushed to the home Kak Rayan. when until at home Kak Rayan, "19 minutes 15 seconds" said Kak Rayan holding stopwatch. "almost late Yes, this noodles fried. he was sick? but now it seems was healthy that .." sindirku. then Kak Rayan seize plastic containing 2 wrap the noodles fried my hold, and immediately take her to the greedy. only within 5 minutes he can spend 2 wrap fried noodles it. "hemm .. kenyaang" said Kak Rayan. "sick people strange, eat 2 wrap the noodles in less than 5 minutes .." ejekku. "thank you Yes Unfortunately .. cuisine you are good Deh" sad Kak Rayan. just utterance that out of the mouth Kak Rayan, but my heart is extremely happy. then Kak Rayan take me a walk around complex his home. then Kak Rayan tell you something humorous, and made me can laugh with free. However, this event run only briefly. after Kak Rayan said that he and his family will be moved out the city as papanya will be moved task. I directly silent and reflective, what is now I again dream. "Heather, brother baseball go a long time Kok. later when school's brother already completed, brother definitely shuttle Lia." said Kak Rayan calm me. I can only be silent. my tears it has been down my cheek, my tears is like a waterfall flowing with steady pace. then Kak Rayan hold my hand, and hold. "maafin brother fact sheet, brother promise here again Kok." said Kak Rayan. then Kak Rayan wipe my tears with his hand and take me to return to his home. after until at home Kak Rayan, I farewell return to my House. I still don't understand, get rumahpun I still think about it. night I can't sleep, and in the school was my nature changed 180 degrees be reserved. today, September 21, 2012 is the day Kak Rayan will be moved out the city, and today is the anniversary of US. 14.00 pm, I call Dian to accompany me home Kak Rayan. it turns out Kak Rayan no at home. in home there are only a sister, grandmother and her mother Kak Rayan as well as the fruit of the public bus is parked in front of House Kak Rayan. then her mother Kak Rayan call Kak Rayan for the home, as soon they will depart. my heart is now very sick all, breath my turned into a crowded. and it looks like my tears will return dripping today. Yes, the right time Kak Rayan return to his House, my tears was flowing and my breath be added shortness. then Kak Rayan take bag her in the House. only Dian that accompany me outside the home, Dian try calm me. but tears this could not unstoppable again. then Kak Rayan and his family out by bringing suitcase great, and approached. "it, do not whiny so dedek beautiful. brother baseball go a long time Kok." said Kak Rayan. "alia Dear brother .." I said while sobbing cry. "Yes, brother promise shuttle alia later, so don't cry again Yes. keep yourself well here, and do not forget diligent-diligent learn Yes Unfortunately .." message Kak Rayan for me. I can only cry at this time and my heart it poignant and sore. I just cry sobbing face Kak Rayan, then Mama Kak Rayan want to hug me. but I shy away, and then Mama Kak Rayan try calm me.

"Alia .. kak Rayan baseball went long ago. Kak Rayan just school there, later when it's finished kak Rayan must come here again. Anyway grandmother is also still live here "said mama kak Rayan.
"Iyalah aunt .." I said while wiping my tears.

Then kak Rayan and his family get into the bus, I never stop looking at kak Rayan. And in the third count kak Rayan will leave me. My tears came back down again. Yes, this is a moment I never expected. Kak Rayan left, kak Rayan does not look at me. Does kak Rayan really want to leave me, why kak Rayan like this. After the bus ride kak kak Rayan no longer seen, I escorted Dian home to my house. I went straight into my room, and locked it.

Just one week after kak Rayan left, I was like a stressful person. I tortured myself, I rarely ate, and no smile ever came out of my face. I just sit in my room after school, and look at the pictures of kak Rayan on my handphone. Kak Rayan also never contacted me again. Because I was too worried about you, Mom invited me to see a doctor. The doctor said I had symptoms of mental illness. Mama was very panicked at seeing me. Then the doctor gave me advice, said the doctor if I love mama, I have to change my attitude.

A few months after that, I again became the first Anita Rosalia. "Although kak Rayan has left me, but I should not be like yesterday." I thought to myself. My days live as usual, as before kak Rayan filled my heart.

Today is my 17th birthday, I am very happy today. Because I got a lot of surprises from the people I care about. Suddenly my handphone sounded ..
Apparently there is a message from a number that I do not know,
"Haaa ... this is from kak Rayan!" I shouted, laughing.
Then I called kak Rayan, it turns out the number is not active. But even so I'm happy. As always, simple things like this can make me happy.

Every year kak Rayan sends a message like that on my birthday, kak Rayan appeared just to recite my birthday only. Every year it goes so fast. This year is the fifth year, now I'm 22 years old. As in previous years, I waited for a message from kak Rayan. But this year is not like the year before, this year kak Rayan did not contact me. "What's wrong with kak rayan?" I asked silently.
Kweek.kweek .. my handphone rang again with ringtone frog sound. Then I hastily opened it. I think the message is from kak Rayan, but it turns out that message from Dian. Dian invites me to meet in front of his cafenya kak Rayan now.

Then I rushed to cafenya kak Rayan, Dian was waiting for me in front of the cafe. My feelings are uncomfortable, what exactly happened. Then Dian pulled me into the cafe. Inside the cafe looks a lot of visitors who come, visitors with neat clothes.
"Not as usual the visitor is compact yes .." I said to dian.
Then Dian showed his finger toward a man who was in front of the visitors. That person resembled kak Rayan, then the man turned toward me. Apparently true, he is kak Rayan.
"Kak Rayan that you've been waiting for has been in vain you Li .." said Dian.
"What do you mean Di?" I asked Dian.
"Look at it!" Dian pointed to a petite woman, and dressed in a mini dress with long hair loose.
Then I looked at the woman. Then she moved closer to kak Rayan. I overheard one of the guests who said that this event was an engagement party with kak kak .. My knees felt weak, and made me fall in front of the cafe door. Then Dian helped me up and took me out of the cafe. I never thought, kak Rayan willing to betray me like this. My heart was so devastated when I saw kak Rayan with the woman. For years I waited for Rayan kak, it turns out that I get only betrayal. I do not know what to say now, I can only cry on the shoulder of my true friend, Dian.

On my behalf, the thousand names of humans in the shadow of the soul are the ones fixed still. In the closed, still felt the time flowing. Still reads the air fear with him. About like and destruction without promises. And in my name, I release the love that once stopped in my heart to anchored to another heart.



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