"Seeking relationship and love is much like having this huge key ring filled with all different types of keys. Trying to find the one is like browsing through the key ring. You're seeking not only attraction, but compatibility. Furthermore, you're searching deep, for something that feels lost, so you try to remember it would seem, trying to recognize. Is this the key that opens the door? You try it, it fits in the key-hole. But wait, even though it fits, it's not turning and the door isn't opening! Back to the key ring, browsing -- this one? It fits! The lock turns, the door opens -- and wow, you walk in and it's the most scary thing you've experienced, yet, the most awesome. It wrecks you, it destroys you and eats away at your ego and individual self. You become, with someone else, a new person. It is like death."
-- @ayoungblood
A part from writing the Chronicles of Tanis in my blog. I want to touch on a few other topics that has me occupied.
Lately, I've really been focused on what love is. At first glance, it would appear it's all scientific, right? Well, I am not so sure about that anymore. I mean, there is much more to life than the pituitary gland and Oxycontin. I mean, love has got to be more than just an addiction or a means of surviving socially, procreating and the likes. I guess, if you're atheist, these answers are all you need, though, for me that just doesn't cut it.
No, not at all. I cannot accept that love, or falling in love is entirely scientific. So I will attempt to argue both sides of this.
Ok so, apparently you got people who don't believe in love at all. Yet are in love anyway. Strange? well let me try to explain. Please forgive the rant style of this. I'm going to pound this out quickly :)
Atheists will talk about love being a necessary evolutionary thing, to keep our community together and a better survival rate of our children when we care/love them. Only the most caring of our ancient ancestors was able to keep their children alive during the very animalistic life styles we've had to live now and than as humans. Like thousands and thousands of years back, maybe millions.
Survival of the fittest also goes into this whole love thing. So that gives it a correlation of scientific evidence.
I can play this role so you can get the idea. I don't believe all of what I'm saying, but some do.
Let's say in the "wild". Hunter gatherer times of our humanoid ancestors.
A man and a woman could not get along if they did not love each other or care for each other. They would probably just take off. Leave. Especially if food was tight, and the survival rate of their children would then drop drastically. They might even get abandoned, or probably were in many instances.
Over time, as we evolved and started this love thing. We started to build communities.
First communities of tribes. You see this in the monkey world now, they do care for one another. Have social lives, and small communal tribes.
But when we start to care, we start to communicate, when we start to love, we start to communicate. Like, warning of incoming predators. Or communicate about food, or illness. The communication starts off simple, and grows. Did love cause this evolution? Evolution in communication, due to caring, sharing and loving?
As the more we communicate, the more we connect as a tribe, as a community.
As time moves, generations pass, we get it built into us that for the best survival, we must love.
Love is compassion, communication, sharing.
With evolution, the type of "people" who are more caring and loving, are the types of people who have children that survive. As that goes, this becomes "evolutionary", a thing that we don't have to watch and learn, it becomes innate. We just know how to do it. Much like, walking, chewing and eating. We all want to fall in love, it becomes something so powerful that we can die for love; some suicide over love. Some kill over love.
It's the most potent evolutionary thing in our brains, I will say.
Some think of love at first sight, soul mates and "we just hit it off, right away."
You'll have the science guy say it's all about attraction, which is the first step to communication and sharing.
If there is no attraction, nothing happens. And sometimes what we are attracted to changes; we try things out.
Our main goal; being love. We seek to experience that, it feeds us and keeps us alive like food and water. Our brains are not wired to be alone. we're not that type of animal anymore. We're human beings (or maybe we're human tryings) that have over thousands of generations tuned into this love thing, as a means of survival.
Those who are solo and step out of communal business, don't care about love... Don't have children generally.
So those genes don't go far, only the genes where love is involved prevail.
Nothing loves like us on this planet like we do. Nothing. No living thing on this Earth loves like we do, cares like we do and nothing is as intelligent as we are either.
Community (community, created in the most part by love) pushes intelligence.
Social communication, sharing, protection, leads way to ideas. That run like wild fire within our communal group.
Allow the individual to become the community, and the community to become the individual. All of which appears impossible without love.
So love being something we must have, like with food and water, it's evolutionary, and thus not something mystical and mysterious. It's genuine, it's our way of life, which keeps us alive and evolving as a community. Community, also in the sense as a family. A mother, a father and children. Without love, offspring cannot survive. Ours is the only living collection of cells and organs that has offspring that are completely and wholly dependent upon the mother for years. As most other animals, (not all) hit the ground running. Born able to walk, find food and eat, etc.
So love is very real, atheist and science would say about this. Yet they would never say it's spiritual. Never agree to a thing called "soulmate".
The spiritual, I will attempt to bring philosophy into it.
As time went, as our souls came through this world as humans or animals and so forth. So did it learn, and brought with it the notion of Oneness as it reincarnated back into individualism. Let's assume, upon death, without life, the soul is complete with all that is, all that is one. Leaving religion from this (not going to pick sides), let's allow a simple understanding, or agreement.
Our weak puny minds that can trick itself into thinking we can know all and we can understand all, can't fathom this purity, and oneness. Perhaps the soul can.
So separated we are from one another that we are often forced to create the character we see in front of us, the person we see and interact with. We cannot understand or know another being without communication. Of which, love for the most part induced into our existence. Love and the will to survive.
As a soul, gone from the poisons of the body, can become one again with what is in the afterlife.
Perhaps, our minds and bodies try to mimic this sensation. This, lack of individualism, this lack of ego, this purity and unconditional love of which is divinity, oneness.
It can be understood that we mimic and copy this feeling of oneness as individual living beings. Trapped within a body, a piece of what is One -- the soul. Perhaps, we experience this with this thing we call love. Falling in love is the sensation of losing identity as well. Which explains much of how and why one can go completely insane upon losing a loved one, going through divorce, getting 'dumped'. If one "falls in love" hard, or as complete as possible, losing this love is close to the sensation of death, because you lose a part of your identity. The identity you have grown with the connection with another, who you care deeply for. Maybe, a clue to why some cannot truly fall in love? Their ego and sense of individualism is just too strong, perhaps. They cannot melt with another deep enough, and chose to continue going to the next partner after the next. So may be the opposite as true, those who fall in love quickly, with many people or too excessively, oppressively and possessively. The spectrums of falling in love are as various as the many vibrations and frequencies of light; the colors.
Yet there also exists this feeling of emotion that many can't even put words to. it just happens and boom we're flying in ecstatic feelings that take complete control over much of how we live. For some it can be a motivation boost, to go and get that good job, get their life in order, work out at the gym, continue an education. So is the opposite true, love can drain and upon splitting up from a person you love so comes this motivation.
Love can feel like fear too, and even death. The feeling starts in the stomach and blows itself through out your entire body like getting dipped in cold water. It can sting, burn. It can drop you physically if you lose it, or are faced with the notion that the person you love no longer wants you, needs you and drops all contact with you.
Your mind reminds you, every once and a while, "hey, go ahead and think about [Name of partner]." And BOOM you're blasted with emotions and dipped in cold water. Taken over by this yes sense of sharing and communication. A sense of Oneness with another, another individual to help you feel what it is like to be one with all things, a true Oneness that is what we call a true form of love. Which is only achievable by breaking off the individual sense of the person, this happens in death too. It happens a little bit at a time with someone you love, so love is like dying it would seem... being detached from the individualism of being human to becoming more soul...
Love, is more spiritual than scientific it would seem, of course we can discuss the hormones, the evolutionary necessity and the aspect of survival.
There is correlation that love gave us evolutionary gains. Helped our survival. Yet there is also correlation that love has which is very unique to only a few of our questions that we have as a whole, like, "who are we?" "Where do we come from?" "How old is the Universe?" "Is there a God?"
Do we know if there is a God? No not as a whole. We can't prove to each other many of these things we call beliefs, or agnostic-like experiences.
Have we seen the beginning of the Universe? No, so we can't say it even started. Maybe it's always been here.
"Who are we?" yeah, who are we and what are we doing on this planet!
Did mankind make love? Is it something we learned to survive? Or did it spill into us from our souls, did it come from what we can feel and remember from the afterlife? Do we thrive to have and feel this Oneness? Do we try to experience it and find it through connected with others? Perhaps, I believe so.
Yet only the individual will know that, feel that.
We can't say yes or not as a community. We can't agree on love, what it is and why we can have a complete meltdown without it once we've had it with someone.
It is also, paradoxical to claim that love is only for survival. Completely paradoxical to claim, that love is evolutionary. For, if it was -- how is it so that we observe murder-suicide because of lost love? It is hence not truly possible to say that love is only for survival and evolution. Unlike the need to breathe, eat and drink, we can survive without love, die for love and kill for love.
Beyond human beings (tryings), there are many other living life forms that exist without love, and seem to continue to exist just fine. Love isn't even necessary to procreate.
Well. I'll leave this be now, hopefully the comment section will continue this thought. I'm looking forward to communicating with the community philosophers on this subject. Not looking to argue, but hoping for further insight :)
This is amazing, so many great ideas covered! I agree the human race really needs love because without it we wouldn't have happiness sometimes love is lost and we do things we regret, love gets covered by all the external factors and makes us blind whereas love still exists in our hearts. Some may not believe in soulmates because that is just so hard to find, but once we love, we know we love for a reason, reason that we have that connection to that special someone. Sometimes when we love we want the person only for ourselves that can make them feel trapped as love should be a feeling of freedom and happiness when around the person. I think your post is really well written and shows many of your opinions. I will look forward to reading more from you and I may even inspire myself to write poems upon the ideas you covered. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Yes please write from this :)
Thank you for your well thought out reply :)
I read it over again , so you 💕