I apologize for my absence.
We just laid to rest a beautiful soul. One whose life was take way too soon. She was only 17 years old and preparing to graduate high school.
I’ve known her since she was a baby. Unfortunately I didn’t get to spend a lot of time with her during her teenage years but I did get to know who she’d had become. A beautiful sweet young lady who loved so many people and had a hosts of family and friends who loved her back.
Her life was tragically stolen from her. She was tortured, brutally beaten and murdered. This is a domestic case that is still undergoing trial. Out of respect for the family I won’t share details.
My children had the opportunity to experience her fun and goofiness. They danced with her, went to the same birthday parties and my eldest daughter had a few conversations with her. My youngest daughter was too young to remember her but that sweet girl loved holding my baby and calming her down back then when she would get upset.
I’ve been dealing with some guilt of not being present in her life more when I had the chance. No matter how far in between we saw each other she always called me Auntie. I didn’t feel worthy of that title but I knew she loved me and I loved her…I never stopped.
To help get me through this guilt I’ve been just thanking God for the opportunity to have loved her. I’m thankful I had the chance to get to know her and spend time with her. I’m grateful my children were able to experience her love and kindness.
Opportunity is not something to be taken advantage of. This tragic loss has affected an entire community. The main thing I keep hearing everyone say is
Reach out to your loved ones. Check on them to see how they are doing. Make yourself available to them even if they don’t seem to want you to. Don’t let life get in the way of checking on your loved ones.
This is definitely a wake up call for our family to do better. You never know who is suffering in silence and may feel they can’t tell anyone.
This life was taken way too soon ~
Nooooo! That is extremely painful. I am so sorry for your loss. 💔
And thanks for the reminder to always reach out to the people we love. I know I am guilty of just disappearing and disconnecting from others because I tend to my own. ..
Yes, it's been very painful and emotionally exhausting.
Absolutely. That's what happened with me. It's very easy just to tend to your own when you have a big family and are always "busy". I vow to change that and make myself more available for other loved ones.
Thank you ~
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss Crosh.
What a terrible thing to happen to a young lady, ending her life prematurely in such a tragic way. Whoever did this needs to be locked away for the rest of their life. I hope it will end like that for him/her.
It's so horrific. I couldn't believe it really happened, it has been very painful for her loved ones. It helps that justice is already being served but I know it won't change the fact that she's gone. It's looking as if he will be locked away for most if not the rest of his life. It’s just very saddening that the value of life has gone down the drain. For someone to think they have the right to take a life…I just can’t. 😣
I'm so sorry to hear this. What a cruel and barbaric act. Much love to you xx
It's unbelievably terrifying. For someone to be so cruel and wicked to senselessly end a beautiful life.
Thank you ~
I feel so emotional right now...I am speechless Croshielle . It's really a pity that such a young girl died such a terrible death. May her soul rest in peace and yes, this is indeed a wake up call to always check on our loved ones
For all who knew and loved her it has been such a hurtful and emotional experience. Our prayers are that through this tragedy other young women would speak up and reach out for help. No one should feel they don't have a voice. Her family will be working hard to make her legacy one that helps other young women going through domestic abuse.
Yes. We’ve got to make phone calls as I shared in another post. We shouldn’t be hesitant to call one another to check up on each other.
I am so sorry for your loss, to her family and yours ... may justice be done!
Thank you kindly. So far justice has been served well and we pray that all who were involved will pay for their crime. Its terribly heartbreaking.
This is where we have to be patient and remember that Someone said, "Vengeance is MINE; I will repay." We just have to believe it and trust Him to get it done ... glad it is going well so far.
Thank you! 🙌🏽🙏🏽
Is in need so painful. I am so sorry for the lost. God knows the best, may her soul rest in peace
Thanks for your comment ~
I'm sorry for your loss sis, she's too young indeed to be gone, I hope God will mend your hearts
Thank you.
Oh ma'am, I missed you a lot and it's so sad to know why, it's heartbreaking when vibrant people are stolen from us, I hope you have the strength to bear the loss and I pray for her family too that God comforts them. Please stay safe.
Thank you. I've missed you all as well. It's been hard to get back in the mood to be here. Although, it is good to be back as it will help keep my mind from sadness.
Tragic 😥
ya te extrañaba, oye que triste mis condolencias por lo de la chica, lamento lo ocurrido, .
Thank you for your condolences ~