The Dustablon records indicate that Ventmin, indeed, was the perpetrator of the crimes committed. I was duped! “So my family is gone forever!” I began to cry. The little Dustablon came to my side and put his dusty little hand on my shoulder, “My condolences.. may I bake you a pie or something refreshing?” I wasn’t sure if this was one of their grieving customs, so I delightfully accepted.
After we devoured a delicious pie, I asked again, “Will I ever see my family again?”
“That depends... there were mortal beings?”
“Of course.”
“Then, not in this life.”
The sadness was overwhelming and I couldn’t think of what to say or do next. The little dusty guy was trying to be nice and show that he cared, it just wasn’t what I needed at the moment.
“In time, I’ll be able to explain this. For now, we press onward. I know why he’s back and I know what his next move is. We need to go now.”
2.26% @pushup from @theb0red1