For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son

in #lord6 years ago (edited)

John 3:16
What does this mean?

It means that we are so deeply flawed and sinful as humans that we need a savior. This is because of what happened in the Garden of Eden between Adam and Eve. We would have been perfect if not for their mistake and thus so we have to all deal with the same struggle against sinning every day. Though we should try to be Holy and Christ-Like, we know that it is near impossible to follow every law of the Torah, that is where our Savior and King of Kings comes in. Through his blood we are healed and redeemed and through his stripes we are healed and through him and his will, miracles can happen. He is beautiful loving kind and so wonderful and Holy. He loves us despite our illness, sin, sickness and he comes to us in the messes we make of our lives. He comes to us in our darkest hours. He is the light of the world and through him we can all be healed IF we choose to. That is the condition.

We have to choose for ourselves to worship him for God has given all of his children free will. He does not want slaves. I have told him that I want to serve him, the great I Am. We can be servants to the Lord of our own free will. The only slaves are slaves of sin and through our God we are set free. So we worship him freely and we are rewarded with an everlasting life in his Kingdom which will bring ever lasting peace and property on Earth and in Heaven.

Some have felt judged by my sharing my experiences with coming to the Lord. This saddens me. As a person who has been judged many times through my life, that is not my intention. I just want people, all people to know that Jesus loves you! I am not better or worse than any other human for we are all sinners and through the Lord Jesus's Christ we can have Righteousness. This means being right with God. It isn't easy to be a new born again Christian with my eyes open to the world around me, but I want others to feel inspired, not judged. No matter who we are or what we've done the Lord is there for us to Love us and to Save us. That is what Salvation is. He is our Savior. Jesus means God saves. Some do condemn in the name of Christ, and when we sin, sometimes the last person we want to see is God, but he still loves us. For He gave his only son so that we could have ever lasting life in Heaven. I want to spread a message of hope, not condemnation. I hope that I continue to do so.

I leave you all in peace and I tell you all that "No Weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment though shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord." Isaiah 54:17 I will be on my hands and knees on the ground with my head to the floor with my hands up counting my blessings and my protection for my home and my family and my children and my future children and my future prosperity for I know the Lord is blessing me already with abundance and I am so grateful. Praise the Lord.

Hallelujah Praise the one who set me free. You have broken every chain. You are my living Lord Jesus Christ and I love and I appreciate you so much. I am yours forever. Hallelujah. I praise you forever and ever amen. There is salvation and power in the way of Jesus Christ may we all be blessed with the wisdom to be saved and freed from the slavery of sin in Jesus Holy and Sacred name Amen. Hallelujah. Merry Christmas every one. I love you. I love you Lord. Let us all remember what you were born for, what you died for, what you rose for and what you are coming back to do. I love you so much Lord. You are so Holy and I love you. I put my complete trust in you Lord. You have my heart, my mind and my body in the palm of your hands and I praise you for that and for giving me joy as well as reversing all evil that's been cast towards my and those I love for as for me and my house we will serve the Lord, Amen. I love that I am fully known and loved by you Lord. You are everything to me and I am nothing without you. I praise you that you will never leave me or lead me astray. Amen.