An image stack of the frames I used for my last post, a moonrise time lapse. Photos taken on my Nikon D7000.
Interesting Tidbit #1
To get star trails with the moon in the frame, you have to take a bunch of "shorter" long exposure images. Otherwise the moon washes out the photo. These frames were all 6 seconds long, whereas I usually use 30 seconds for star trails.
Interesting Tidbit #2
Incidentally, stacking and aligning 210 images in Photoshop takes up a lot of computing juices. (Alignment shouldn't have been necessary, but apparently my tripod settled slightly during the shots and I wasn't happy with the fuzzy details.) I had to break it up into groups of 50-ish images to not bog down my laptop.
Interesting Tidbit #3
I believe those boat trails going in front of Angel Island (on the left) are the ferry I missed because I was taking these photos. You're welcome.
Thanks for dropping by!
Great shot!! Definitely sharper that the gif timelapse ;)
Thanks! Yeah, I didn't want to upload a full resolution video...
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