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RE: London CryptoCurrency Show. We Were There! Look What We Did..

in #london7 years ago (edited)

Hi @elear,

Usually, I watch and don't say a thing, but here I can't resist and must stop hiding in the shade, for the sake of fairness. Enough is enough.

What you (and actually many, for some reason) said towards the French community is not very accurate. It is in particular very un-nice for the dozen of other people working hard for making this community happening. Just to make it clear, I don't say roxane did not do anything, but the French community is where it is today thanks to the work of many others (who prefer acting than speaking, especially today) and they have by far not done less than her.

PS: and to lift any potential source of confusion: I have never spoken about myself!


I can read and understand very limited French language, but sure I believe in this smart French nation and it’s capable people in many aspects blockchain and Steemit is sure to be included.
Respect ✊

Hello @lemouth I honestly don t understand this comment much because the intention was just to remark "she is doing and has been doing a great job". I never meant to exclude anyone or worst, to say others are not doing enough. I have little clue of the french community because unfortunately I don t speak french, but my personal feeling and understanding was @roxane always made her best in on-boarding new people in your community and outside. I am glad there are super active and collaborative people in the french community and that's totally cool if there are atm members who are more active than @roxane is. The intention here was just to remark how good we think she is, not offending anyone else.

Just to make it clear, roxane did a lot for the French community. I don't want to minimize her contribution. My only point is that she is not the only one who worked, and a few others did a lot of things too. These few others also give a lot from themselves for the #fr community.

Now, I know at least 3 people who are feeling offended by this very single sentence (the one transisto is pointing out), which is why I decided to speak up.

Whilst I mentally missed the 'probably' when I read this post yesterday, I think that even with this 'probably', the way it is phrased can offend those who are giving dozens of hours every week for the French community. Most of them work like hell but far from the spotlights. I really think this should have been phrased differently.

PS: Everything I said here, I already said it to roxane a few weeks ago (through a comment to her own message). I am also always happy to discuss it (here, there or possibly on the steem chat or discord ).

PS2: this being said, congrats to her for her new position with you guys,

@lemouth I am sorry for that but here was just a matter of words, really. Let me know how we can help the french community. We are more than happy to give our support

Thanks for the opportunity. Are you on discord or the steem chat? I can't find you. My username is the same (LeMouth on the chat and lemouth on discord).

What's the fuss about?

@Roxane is probably the most active Steemian in the French community. She is just great.

Was it edited?

I have nothing against her, but I find it a bit sad for all the others who work hard. That's it. (I will write a longer comment below).