Hi guys this is a reminder about Steemit Meet up in London this coming Friday! If you haven’t sent me your email address and you are based in London or UK please do, that way you will be notified first about any further meet ups happening in london.
I am super stoked about growing our London and uk community in Steemit with @promo-steem !
So our first meeting will be held this Friday from 6 pm until 9 pm in stockwell. I will be cooking some food and some small canapés for everyone. Feel free to bring your own alcohol if you are drinking or soft drinks.
The agenda of the meeting is
1. To meet new steemians
2. To make connections and friends
3. To explain things to newbies
4. To work on promo steem London
5. To organise people into groups based on their interests and grow that community
6. To answer any questions
7. To grow a team in london
8. Talking about london investors show where we will participate
9. Have fun and enjoy some food
10. Take pictures and blog about it
I hope you can all make it, if you can’t don’t worry there will be more meetings. I aim to do one meet up every two months so we can discuss the ideas, targets we set and plan further actions and grow the community.
I encourage everyone to wear a Steemit shirt as well or any other merchandise that you have.
Any questions please let me know. All I need from you now is a confirmation you are able to come this Friday at 6 pm, and if you are I’ll send out the address. Thanks so much!
Alla xxx
Wish I could make it there but I'm stuck at my full time job in Chicago. Steemit is my hobby for now!
Looking forward to this! If you would like, I can see if i can get a scrape of the blockchain done so we can get a list of all steemians who have said they are in London.
without a photo there is no evidence,,,unbelieveable
yes thanks so much! i got this sent to me, but i dont know any of their email address but i will make a post now and tag them all, and see if anyone else can make it! so far we have 12 people already!!!
Wooo, exciting! Look forward to seeing more familiar and new faces :-)
that is so amazing, I love the meet up in january I went to one and in March there will be another one on the island and I hope I can attend
Yea sounds good
Very nice,l like
incredible development of steemit good luck always
Very interesting post...
hopefully be accomplished as planned and successful. greetings from Aceh, Indonesia.😊
That's quite interesting meetup Alla and iam sure you are going to enjoy that meetup,
Don't forget to upload the video of that meetup on D.tube or you can also run a live stream on D.live.
Yes I’m fact we prob will run and test a live stream option :) I’ll be going live sooon today to test!
Iam waiting to see that😃
I was just going to request the same. I'm on the other side of the pond so it'll be nice to see how the meetup turns out!
yes it will happen as well :)
This great news thanks for sharing...
Didn't know there was a meet-up this Friday? I didn't receive an email about this event. How are you notifying everyone? It would be great to be given at least 2 weeks notice ahead of meet-ups. Peace.
If you check my previous posts the meet up has been announced twice or three times several weeks ago, this is a reminder. All the emails that were submitted through to me will be notified even sooner in the future😌
Oh, it will be helpful to know the last date it was announced? I may have overlooked it, I've checked your posts but couldn't see it, but there's so many. I'm not always on Steemit, so email notifications would be great! Thanks : )
yeah of course! because it is all new, we are still developing a system :) but def will be emailed in advance :)
Wow.. First meet up in London? That's very nice, we've had series of meet-ups in Nigeria, one was just concluded on Saturday in the city of ibadan. I wish I could be in London for the meet-up. Keep the good work of steem going.
Thanks it will be great :)
Count me in! See you friday :)
Ok great I’ll be also sending official emails today :)
paradis :)
That is why love steemit people teach you steemit with out any pay. This would cost alot of money teach surch a thing to the people whr they make a lot of money.
Yessss team London sounds like it's getting into full swing! Sounds awesome!! Sad to be missing this one!
hehehe yeah next one hun :) xx
Hey, Steemit London meetup that sounds interested am from Jamaica but am going to follow you, up.
Sorry we can't make it, hopefully catch you soon though! Maybe you can make Coinfest in April?
yeah sure next time!!! ooh yeah can you remind me the details?
I will be so happy to be there! Cheers Dear Steemians
(Upvoted and Resteemed)
are you coming? please send me an email to allalovesfood@gmail.com
Wish I were in London. Beautiful city. Soon hopefully... enjoy.
I can totally relate to this. We had our long awaited Meet up too on Saturday and it was amazing. The pictures were so adorable and we had amazing people come around to speak. So glad to be able to put a face to the handles. I can't wait to see your posts too about it.
terrific & surreal!
Wow! Awesome...
Hey Alla, this sounds interesting. How can I get on the email list?
heyaa, please send your email to me allalovesfood@gmail.com!
Thanks! Just sent you an email.
All the best my friend !